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属天的奥秘 第10797节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10797

10797. No honor of any employment is in the person; but it is adjoined to him according to the dignity of the thing which he administers, and that which is adjoined is separate from the person, and also is separated from him together with the employment. The honor that is in the person is the honor of the wisdom and fear of the Lord [that he displays].

Elliott(1983-1999) 10797

10797. Nothing of the honour belonging to any function is vested in the person who performs it. Rather, it is an adjunct and depends on the importance of the affairs he attends to. As an adjunct it is separate from the person and is also removed from him when the function is removed. The honour that can be vested in a person is the honour that goes with wisdom and fear of the Lord.

Latin(1748-1756) 10797

10797. Nullus honor alicujus functionis in persona est, sed ei adjungitur secundum dignitatem rei quam administrat, et quod adjungitur hoc a persona separatum est, et quoque separatur cum functione; honor in persona est honor sapientiae (c)ac timoris Domini.

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