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属天的奥秘 第1222节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1222. The meaning of he was the older brother of Japheth as the fact that its worship remained on the surface is established by the symbolism of Japheth as the outer church, dealt with in the last chapter, at verse 18 and later verses, and earlier in the present chapter, at verses 1-5 [1062, 1083, 1091, 1098, 1100, 1144-1159]. Here the specific meaning of the fact that Shem was Japheth's older brother is that the inner church and the outer church are brothers, since this is precisely the relation inward devotion bears to the outward worship that holds it. The two are kin, because charity is the main concern of each. The inner church is the older brother, though, since it comes first and is deeper.
The idea of Japheth's older brother here also involves the fact that the second ancient church (called Eber) was like a brother to the first ancient church. In an inner sense, Japheth just means outward worship filled with inward worship, in every church. So he also symbolizes the worship of this new ancient church, which remained mostly on the surface. (The Word's inner meaning is such that we ignore the narrative details of the literal sense when focusing on universal themes abstracted from that sense, because the two meanings concern themselves with entirely different matters.) So in an inner sense, Japheth's older brother symbolizes the way the new ancient church worshiped: a superficial way. If it did not mean this, there would be no need for the verse to mention that he was the older brother of Japheth.

Potts(1905-1910) 1222

1222. The elder brother of Japheth. That this signifies that its worship was external, is evident from the signification of "Japheth," as being the external church, concerning which in the preceding chapter, in the 18th and following verses; and above, in this chapter, verses 1 to 5. Here "Shem, the elder brother of Japheth" signifies specifically that the internal church and the external church are brothers; for such is the relation of internal worship to external worship in which there is internal. It is a blood-relationship, for in each the principal is charity. But the internal church is the elder brother, because it is prior and interior. "The elder brother of Japheth" here involves also that the second Ancient Church, called "Eber," was as a brother to the first Ancient Church. For by "Japheth," in the internal sense, nothing else is signified than external worship in which there is internal, in whatever church; thus also the worship of this new Ancient Church, which was chiefly external. Such is the internal sense of the Word that the historicals of the literal sense are not attended to when universals, which are abstract from the literal sense, are regarded; for they look toward one another in a contrary manner.* Hence "the elder brother of Japheth" here signifies, in the internal sense, the worship of the new Ancient Church, that it was external. Unless this were signified, it would be needless to say here that he was the elder brother of Japheth. * That is, when we look at the historicals we lose sight of the universals, and when we look at the universals we lose sight of the historicals. [Reviser.]

Elliott(1983-1999) 1222

1222. 'He was Japheth's elder brother' means that its worship was external. This is clear from the meaning of 'Japheth' as the external Church, dealt with in verse 18 onwards of the previous chapter and in verses 1-5 above of this. Here 'Shem was Japheth's elder brother' means in particular that the internal Church and the external Church are 'brothers', for the relationship of internal worship to external worship that has internal worship within it cannot be anything different. It is in fact a blood relationship because charity is the chief thing within both of them; but the internal Church is the 'elder brother' because it is prior and interior. 'Japheth's elder brother also embodies here the fact that the second Ancient Church called Eber was to the first Ancient Church as a brother, for Japheth in the internal sense means nothing other than the external worship that has internal worship within it, whatever Church it may be. Therefore the worship of this new Ancient Church, which worship was chiefly external, is meant as well. The internal sense of the Word is such that no attention is paid to the historical details of the literal sense when the universal features are being considered, which exist quite separate or abstracted from the literal sense, for the two are completely different from each other. Consequently 'Japheth's elder brother' here means in the internal sense that the worship of the new Ancient Church was external. Unless such worship was meant there would have been no need to state here that he was Japheth's elder brother.

Latin(1748-1756) 1222

1222. Quod 'frater Japheti major' significet quod ejus cultus fuerit externus, constat a significatione 'Japheti' quod sit Ecclesia externa, de quo in cap. praec. vers. 18 seq. et supra in hoc capite a vers. 1 ad 5; hi 'Shemus frater Japheti major' significat in specie quod Ecclesia interna et Ecclesia externa sint 'fratres,' nam cultus internus ad cultum externum in quo internus, non aliter se habet; est enim consanguinitas, quia in utroque est charitas principale, sed interna Ecclesia est 'frater major' quia prior et interior. 'Frater Japheti major' etiam hic involvit quod altera Ecclesia Antiqua, 'Eberus' appellata, fuerit primae Antiquae Ecclesiae sicut 'frater,' nam per 'Japhetum' in sensu interno nihil aliud significatur quam cultus externus in quo internus, cujuscumque Ecclesiae, ita quoque cultus novae hujus Antiquae Ecclesiae qui principaliter fuit externus; talis est sensus internus Verbi ut historica sensus litteralis non attendantur cum universalia spectantur, quae abstracta sunt a sensu litterali, se enim mutuo aliter conspiciunt; inde hic 'frater Japheti major' significat in sensu interno cultum novae Ecclesiae Antiquae quod fuerit externus; nisi haec significarentur non opus fuisset ut hic diceretur quod esset frater Japheti major.

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