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属天的奥秘 第1347节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1347. Genesis 11:18. And Peleg lived thirty years and fathered Reu.
Peleg lived thirty years symbolizes the start of a fifth phase; Peleg has the same symbolism here as before. And fathered Reu symbolizes what developed out of it; Reu was a nation named after its forefather Reu, and it symbolizes worship that is even shallower.

Potts(1905-1910) 1347

1347. Verse 18. And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu. "And Peleg lived thirty years," signifies the beginning of the fifth state; "Peleg" signifies the same here as before; "and begat Reu," signifies a derivation therefrom. Reu was a nation so named from him as its father, whereby there is signified a worship still more external.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1347

1347. Verse 18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and he begot Reu.

'Peleg lived thirty years' means the beginning of the fifth state, 'Peleg' having the same meaning here as previously. 'And he begot Reu' means a derivative from it, 'Reu' being a nation so named from him as its forefather which means worship even more external.

Latin(1748-1756) 1347

1347. Vers. 18. Et vixit Peleg triginta annis, et genuit Reu. 'Vixit Peleg (x)triginta annis' significat initium quinti status; per 'Peleg' significatur hic ut prius: 'et genuit Reu' significat derivationem inde; 'Reu' fuit gens ab illo ut a suo patre ita nominata per quam significatur cultus adhuc magis externus.

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