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属天的奥秘 第1353节


“拿鹤活到二十九岁” 表示该教会第八个状态的开始;“拿鹤”在此和前面一样,表示接近偶像崇拜的敬拜;“生了他拉”表示由此而来的衍生物。“他拉”是指以他命名并作为祖先的一个民族,该民族表示偶像崇拜。

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New Century Edition

[NCE]1353. Genesis 11:24. And Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and he fathered Terah.
Nahor lived twenty-nine years symbolizes the start of an eighth phase in this church; Nahor here as before symbolizes worship verging on idolatry. And he fathered Terah symbolizes what developed out of it; Terah was a nation named after its forefather Terah, and it symbolizes idolatrous worship.{*1}

{*1} Jewish legend traditionally portrayed Terah as an idol-maker by profession (Bialik and Ravnitzky 1992, 31). [RS]

Potts(1905-1910) 1353

1353. Verse 24. And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and begat Terah. "And Nahor lived nine and twenty years," signifies the beginning of the eighth state of this church; "Nahor" signifies here, as before, worship verging to what is idolatrous; "and begat Terah," signifies a derivation therefrom. Terah was a nation so named from him as its father whereby idolatrous worship is signified.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1353

1353. Verse 24 And Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and he begot Terah.

'Nahor lived twenty-nine years' means the beginning of the eighth state of this Church, 'Nahor' here, as previously, meaning worship verging on what is idolatrous. 'And he begot Terah' means a derivative from it, 'Terah' being a nation so named from him as its forefather which means idolatrous worship.

Latin(1748-1756) 1353

1353. Vers. 24. Et vixit Nahor novem et viginti annis, et genuit Terahum. 'Vixit Nahor novem et viginti annis' significat initium octavi status hujus Ecclesiae; per 'Nahorem' significatur, hic ut prius, cultus vergens ad idololatricum: 'et genuit Terahum' significat derivationem inde; 'Terahus' fuit gens ab illo ut a suo patre ita nominata per quam significatur cultus idololatricus.

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