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属天的奥秘 第183节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]183. I was shown how these angels do their work. They seemed to roll a kind of membrane off my left eye toward the nasal septum to open my eye and give it the use of the light. To the person being revived this seems to be exactly what is happening, but it is only an appearance.

Potts(1905-1910) 183

183. I was shown how these angels work. They seemed to as it were roll off the coat of the left eye toward the septum of the nose, in order that the eye might be opened and the use of light be granted. To the man it appears as if this were really done, but it is only an appearance.

Elliott(1983-1999) 183

183. I have been shown the way in which these angels function. To open the eye and grant the benefit of light, they seemed to roll away towards the septum of the nose the surface tissues of the left eye. The person himself perceives this altogether as an actual occurrence, but in fact it is an appearance.

Latin(1748-1756) 183

183. Ostensum quomodo hi angeli operantur: videbantur quasi evolvere tunicam oculi sinistri versus septum nasi, ut aperiretur oculus et concederetur lucis usura: homo non aliter percipit quam quod ita fiat, sed est apparentia.

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