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属天的奥秘 第1854节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1854. You will be buried at a good old age means the enjoyment of everything good by people who belong to the Lord. This can be seen from the fact that people who die and are buried do not die but pass from a life that is dark and dim into one that is sharp and clear. Bodily death is merely a continuation and also a perfection of life. It is the point at which people who belong to the Lord first come into the enjoyment of everything good. This enjoyment is what a good old age symbolizes.
The Word very often mentions that people have died, been buried, and been gathered to their ancestors,{*1} but on an inner level these words do not have the same meaning they do on a literal level. The inner sense contains descriptions of life after death and of eternal things; but the literal sense contains descriptions of life in the world and of ephemeral things.
[2] When this topic comes up, then, people who focus on the inner meaning (angels, for instance) never linger over thoughts of death and burial but thoughts of continued life. They view death as nothing more than a riddance of the crudest physical elements and of time, and as nothing but a continuation of life itself. In fact they do not know what death is, because they do not think about it.
The case is the same with the different ages of our life; when it says "at a good old age" here, angels form no picture of old age. In fact they do not know what old age is, because they are always heading toward life as lived in mid- and early adulthood. This kind of life — and consequently the heavenly and spiritual blessings connected with it — is what is meant when mention of a good old age and other stages of life comes up in the Word.

{*1} For some examples of passages describing people being "gathered to their ancestors," see Genesis 25:8, 17; 35:29; 49:29, 33; Numbers 20:24, 26; 27:13; 31:2; Deuteronomy 32:50; Judges 2:10. [SS]

Potts(1905-1910) 1854

1854. Thou shalt be buried in a good old age. That this signifies the enjoyment of all goods by those who are the Lord's, is evident from the fact that those who die and are buried do not die, but pass from an obscure life into a clear one. For the death of the body is merely the continuation and also the perfection of the life, and they who are the Lord's then first come into the enjoyment of all goods, which enjoyment is signified by "a good old age." The expressions that they "died," were "buried," and were "gathered to their fathers," are often met with, but in the internal sense these do not signify the same as in the sense of the letter. In the internal sense are such things as are of the life after death and are eternal; but in the sense of the letter are such as are of the life in the world and belong to time. [2] Consequently they who are in the internal sense (as the angels are) when such expressions are met with never abide in ideas of death and burial, but in such as relate to the continuance of life, for they regard death as nothing but the putting off of those things which are of grossest nature and of time, and as being a continuation of the real life; in fact they do not know what death is, for they think nothing about it. And the like is the case with the ages of man, so that when it is here said "in a good old age," the angels have no perception at all of old age, indeed they do not know what old age is, for they are constantly verging toward the life of early manhood and of youth. Such life, and consequently the celestial and spiritual things of it, are what are meant when "a good old age" and similar expressions occur in the Word.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1854

1854. 'You will be buried at a good old age' means the enjoyment of all goods by those who tare the Lord's. This is clear from the fact that people who die and are buried do not die but pass over from an obscure life into one that is bright. For death of the body is but a continuation and also a perfecting of life, when those who are the Lord's enter for the first time into the enjoyment of all goods. That enjoyment is meant by 'a good old age'. The expressions 'they died', 'were buried', and 'were gathered to their fathers' occur quite often, but they do not carry the same meaning in the internal sense as in the sense of the letter. In the internal sense it is the things which belong to life after death, and which are eternal, that are meant, whereas in the sense of the letter it is those which belong to life in the world and which are temporal.

[2] Consequently, when such expressions occur, those who see into the internal sense, as angels do, have no thoughts of such things as have to do with death and burial but with such as have to do with the continuation of life; for they look upon death as nothing else than a casting off of the things which belong to merely earthly matter and to time, and as the continuing of life proper. Indeed they do not know what death is, for death does not enter into any of their thinking. It is the same with people's ages. By the phrase used here, 'at a good old age', angels have no perception at all of old age; indeed they do not know what old age is, for they themselves are constantly moving towards the life of youth and early manhood. It is life such as this, consequently the celestial and spiritual things belonging to it, that are meant when the expression 'a good old age' and others like it occur in the Word.

Latin(1748-1756) 1854

1854. Quod 'sepelieris in senio bono' significet fruitionem omnium bonorum ab illis qui Domini sunt, constat ex eo quod ii qui moriuntur et sepeliuntur, non moriantur sed transeant a vita obscura in claram; nam mors corporis est modo continuatio, ut et perfectio vitae, et tunc primum veniunt in fruitionem omnium bonorum illi qui Domini sunt, quae fruitio significatur per 'senium bonum.' Saepius occurrit quod mortui sint, sepulti et collecti ad patres, sed haec non significant in sensu interno illa quae in sensu litterae; in sensu interno sunt illa quae sunt vitae post mortem et quae aeterna, at in sensu litterae illa quae sunt vitae in mundo et quae temporaria; [2] proinde qui in sensu interno sunt, sicut angeli, cum talia occurrunt, nusquam morantur in talibus quae sunt mortis et sepulturae, sed in talibus quae sunt continuationis vitae; nam mortem nihil aliud considerant quam exuitionem illorum quae sunt naturae crassissimae et temporis et quam ipsius vitae continuum; immo ignorant mortem, nam nihil cogitant de morte: similiter se habet cum aetatibus hominis; quod hic dicatur 'in senio bono,' angeli nusquam percipiunt senium, immo ignorant quid senium, nam jugiter ad vitam juventutis et adolescentiae tendunt; talis vita, proinde ejus caelestia et spiritualia sunt quae intelliguntur cum senium bonum et similia in Verbo occurrunt.

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