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属天的奥秘 第1853节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1853. You will come to your ancestors in peace means that nothing good or true will be hurt. This can be seen from the symbolism of ancestors, of coming to one's ancestors, and of peace.
Ancestors in this instance symbolize the same thing on an inner level as female and male descendants taken together. The symbolism of daughters as goodness and of sons as truth has been shown earlier, in 489, 490, 491, 533, 1147. So ancestors symbolize what belongs to daughters and sons together.
Coming to one's ancestors is passing from the life of the body to the life of the spirit, or from this world to the other. In peace means that nothing will be missing and therefore that nothing will be hurt. When we pass into the other life, we lose none of what makes us human. We keep possession of absolutely everything except our body, which has blocked the deeper exercise of our abilities.
What follows just below will show that it is not death, or passing over to our ancestors through death, that is symbolized here.

Potts(1905-1910) 1853

1853. Thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace. That this signifies that nothing of the goods and truths shall be harmed, may be seen from the signification of "fathers," also of "going to one's fathers," and of "peace." In the internal sense, "fathers" here signify the same as "daughters" and "sons" taken together. That "daughters" signify goods, and "sons" truths, has been shown before (n. 489-491, 533, 1147); hence "fathers" signify the things which belong to daughters and sons together. To "go to one's fathers" is to pass from the life of the body into the life of the spirit, or from the world into the other life. "In peace," signifies that he shall lose nothing, and thus that nothing shall be harmed, for he who passes into the other life loses nothing of the things that belong to him as a man; he retains and has with him everything except the body, which had been an impediment to the interior exercise of his faculties. That no death, or passing to the fathers by death, is here meant, will be evident from what next follows.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1853

1853. That 'you will come to your fathers in peace' means that nothing of the goods and truths will suffer harm becomes clear from the meaning of 'fathers', also of 'coming to one's fathers', as well as of 'peace'. In the internal sense 'fathers' here has the same meaning as daughters and sons taken together. That 'daughters' means goods and 'sons' truths has been shown already in 489-491, 533, 1147, and therefore 'fathers' means those things meant by daughters and sons together. 'Coming to one's fathers' is passing over from the life of the body into the life of the spirit, or from the world into the next life. 'In peace' means that he will have lost nothing, and thus that nothing will suffer harm, for when a person passes into the next life he does not lose any of the things that he possesses as man. He retains and has with him every single thing except the body which has hampered the interior exercise of his capabilities. The fact that here, not death, or passing over to one's fathers, is meant by death, becomes clear from what follows immediately below.

Latin(1748-1756) 1853

1853. Quod 'tu venies ad patres tuos in pace' significet quod nihil a bonis et veris laedetur, constare potest a significatione 'patrum,' tum 'venire ad patres,' ut et 'pacis.' 'Patres' in sensu interno significant hic idem ac simul filiae et filii; quod 'filiae' significent bona, et 'filii' vera, ostensum est prius n. 489-491, 533, 1147, inde 'patres' simul quae filiarum et filiorum; 'venire ad patres' est transire a vita corporis in vitam spiritus, seu a mundo in alteram vitam; 'in pace' significat quod nihil. amittet, ita quod nihil laedetur; nam qui transit in alteram vitam, nihil amittit ab illis quae hominis sunt, omnia et singula retinet et secum habet, praeter corpus quod impediit exercitium interius ejus facultatum: quod hic nulla mors seu transitio ad patres per mortem significetur, constare potest a mox sequentibus.

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