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属天的奥秘 第1856节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1856. In the fourth generation they will come back here symbolizes a time and state of renewal, as can be seen from the symbolism of a fourth generation. A fourth generation symbolizes the same thing as forty and four hundred: how long trials last and what conditions are like then, as mentioned above at verse 13 [1847]. It is a kind of reduction of the number. Whether a number is large or small, as long as it belongs to the same family it involves the same idea, as noted several times before [395:1, 433, 482, 575, 737:1].
The fourth generation does not mean a generation descended from Abram, Isaac, or Jacob, as can be seen from the scriptural narrative. After all, when they returned, many generations had passed, and these generations were very different from their ancestors.{*1} The phrase fourth generation is used in other places too [Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9; 2 Kings 10:30; 15:12], but in the inner sense it never means a generation. Here it means a time and state of renewal, because it means the end of the hardships symbolized by the number forty, or four hundred; see 862, 1847.

{*1} Another passage, Exodus 6:16-20, does explicitly place Moses and Aaron in the fourth generation from Jacob (descending in order through Levi, Kohath, and Amram). But Swedenborg's point is that the other circumstances of the narrative indicate that the reference to four generations is not to be taken literally. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1856

1856. In the fourth generation they shall return hither. That this signifies the time and state of restoration, is evident from the signification of "the fourth generation." "The fourth generation" signifies the same as "forty" and as "four hundred;" namely, the duration and the state of temptation, spoken of at verse 13; it is a sort of diminutive from these. Whether a number be larger or smaller, provided it be of the same stock, it involves the same; as has already been stated several times. That "the fourth generation" does not signify any generation from Abram, or from Isaac, or from Jacob, is evident from the historicals of the Word; for there were more generations, and these people were very different from their fathers when they returned. "The fourth generation" is an expression that occurs likewise in other places, yet in the internal sense it never signifies any generation; and here it signifies the time and state of restoration, because it signifies the end of those things which are signified by "forty" or by "four hundred" (see n. 862, 1847).

Elliott(1983-1999) 1856

1856. That 'in the fourth generation they will return from here' means the period of time and the state of restoration is clear from the meaning of 'fourth generation'. 'Fourth generation' has the same meaning as forty and four hundred - namely the duration and the state of temptation, dealt with above at verse 13 - for four is a kind of diminutive of each of those numbers. Any number, whether large or small, provided it is a multiple of the same quantity, embodies the same meaning, as stated frequently already. That 'the fourth generation' does not mean any generation descended from Abram, or from Isaac, or from Jacob, is clear from the historical sections of the Word; for there were more than four generations, and these were very different from their fathers when they returned. 'The fourth generation' occurs again in other places, but in the internal sense it never means a generation. Here it means the period of time and the state of restoration because it means the conclusion of those things meant by forty and four hundred - see 862 and 1847.

Latin(1748-1756) 1856

1856. 'Generatione quarta redibunt huc': quod significet tempus et statum restitutionis, constat a significatione 'generationi' quartae'; generatio quarta significat idem ac quadraginta et quadringenta, nempe tentationis durationem et statum, de qua supra ad vers. 13; est diminutivum quoddam inde; sive major numerus sive minor, modo ejusdem prosapiae, idem involvit, ut prius aliquoties dictum: quod 'generatio quarta' non aliquam generationem ab Abramo nec ab Isaco nec a Jacobo significet, constat ab historicis Verbi, generationes enim plures fuerunt, et hae diversae a suis patribus, cum redibant; alibi similiter occurrit 'generatio quarta,' sed nusquam significat in sensu interno generationem, hic vero tempus et statum restitutionis, quia finem illorum quae significantur per quadraginta seu quadringenta, videatur n. 862, et 1847.

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