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属天的奥秘 第2364节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2364

2364. And ye may do unto them as is good in your eyes. That this signifies enjoyment insofar as [they perceived it to be] from good, can be seen even from the sense of the words, as well as from the series, when these words are predicated of the affections signified by the "daughters." That Lot applied himself prudently, is signified by his "going out unto them to the door" (n. 2356). This prudence is evident from the words just quoted, together with what else is contained in this verse, namely, that they should enjoy the blessedness of the affections of good and of truth, insofar as this was from good; which is signified by their "doing unto them as was good in their eyes." To enjoy insofar as this was from good, here means insofar as they knew it to be good, beyond which no one is required to go; for all are bent by the Lord to the good of life through the good of their faith, thus Gentiles otherwise than Christians, the simple otherwise than the learned, little children otherwise than adults. They who have imbued their life with evil are bent by abstaining from evil and intending good, and by doing this according to their apprehension. It is their intention or end that is regarded; and although their acts may not be good in themselves, they nevertheless derive from the end something of good, and of the derivative life, which makes their blessedness.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2364

2364. 'And you may do to them as is good in your eyes' means enjoyment insofar as [they perceived them to come] from good. This too becomes clear from the meaning of the words, and also from the train of thought, when they have reference to the affections meant by 'daughters'. The fact that he acted cautiously was meant by the statement 'Lot went out to them to the door', 2356. This caution is evident from these and the remaining words in this verse - they were to enjoy the blessedness belonging to the affections for good and for truth to the extent that this is derived from good, which is the meaning of the statement that they were to do to them as was good in their eyes. Enjoying to the extent it derived from good means in this instance, to the extent that they knew it was good, beyond which no one is compelled to go. For all are turned by the Lord to the good of life through the good of their faith. Gentiles are so directed in a different way from Christians; the simple in a different way from the learned; and young children in a different way from adults. People whose lives have been stained by evil are turned by means of their refraining from evil and intending good, which they carry out according to whatever understanding they possess. It is the intention or the end in view present with them that is observed, and even though their actions are not in themselves good, their end in view provides them with some measure of good and of the life flowing from it which constitutes their blessedness.

Latin(1748-1756) 2364

2364. `Et faciatis eis sicut bonum in oculis vestris': quod significet fruitionem quantum ex bono, etiam constare potest ex sensu verborum, tum a serie, cum ea praedicantur de affectionibus {1}, quae per `filias' significantur. Quod prudenter se applicuerit, significatum est per quod `exivit ad eos Lot ad januam,' n. 2356; ipsa prudentia ex his dictis et reliquis in hoc versu patet, nempe quod fruerentur beatitudine affectionum boni et veri, quantum ex bono, quod significatur per quod `facerent eis sicut bonum in oculis eorum'; frui quantum ex bono, hic est quantum scirent quod sit bonum, ultra nemo obligatur flectuntur enim omnes a Domino ad bonum vitae per bonum fide eorum, ita aliter gentes quam Christiani, aliter simplices quam docti aliter infantes quam adulti: qui malo imbuerunt vitam, ii flectuntur per quod abstineant a malo ac intendant bonum, et hoc faciant secundum captum eorum; intentio seu finis tunc apud eos spectatur, et tametsi actus non sint boni in se, usque a fine trahunt aliquid boni (c)ac inde vitae, quod facit beatum eorum. @1 i boni et veri.$

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