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属天的奥秘 第2429节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2429

2429. It is a little one. That this signifies from the little truth that he had, is evident from the signification of a "city," as being truth, concerning which just above. Its being "little" signifies that there was little of truth; here, from the little that he had, as is evident from what precedes and what follows. [2] As regards the thing itself, namely, that they who are in the affection of truth have little truth in comparison with those who are in the affection of good, this is evident from the fact that it is from the meager and obscure good appertaining to them that they regard truth. The truth in a man is exactly according to the good that is in him. Where there is little good, there is little truth. They are in a like ratio and in a like degree, or, as we say, they march with even step. This indeed may seem a paradox, but still the case is so. Good is the very essence of truth, and truth without its essence is not truth, although it appears as if it were; it is merely a sounding brass, and is like an empty vessel. [3] In order that anyone may have truth in himself, he must not only know it, but also acknowledge it, and have faith in it; he then for the first time has truth, because it then affects him, and remains. It is otherwise when he only knows truth, and does not acknowledge it, and have faith in it; for in this case he has not the truth in himself. This is the case with many who are in evil: they are able to know truths, sometimes more than other men; but still they have not the truth; nay, they have it so much the less, because at heart they deny it. [4] It is provided by the Lord that no one should have (that is, acknowledge and believe) more truth than he receives of good. Hence it is here said of the city, by which truth is signified, that it is a "little one," and again in this verse, "Is it not a little one?" also in verse 22, that he called the name of the city "Zoar," which in the original language means "little;" for the reason that those are here treated of who are in the affection of truth, and not so much in the affection of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2429

2429. 'It is smell' means from the small amount of it which he had. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'a city' as truth, dealt with immediately above. The reference to its being 'small' means a small amount of truth, here acting from the small amount he had, as is clear from what comes before and after. As regards this matter, namely that those with the affection for truth possess little truth in comparison with those with the affection for good, this becomes clear from the consideration that they see truth from a poor and obscure good residing with them.

[2] The truth present with someone is altogether as is the good with him. Where there is little good there is little truth. They are present in the same ratio and are of the same degree, or as people say, they march in step with each other. This may indeed seem a paradox but it is nevertheless the truth. Good is the actual essence of truth, and truth without its essence is not truth. Although it looks as though it were, it is no more than something that merely resounds, and is like an empty vessel.

[3] For anyone to have the truth within him he must not only know it, but also acknowledge it and have faith in it. When he does he possesses truth for the first time, for in that case it has an influence on him and remains. It is different when he merely knows the truth but does not acknowledge it and have faith in it. In that case he does not have the truth within him, as applies to many who are governed by evil. They can know of truths, sometimes better than anybody else, but they nevertheless do not possess it. Indeed their possession of it is so much the less because at heart they deny it.

[4] It is provided by the Lord that no one should possess- that is, acknowledge and believe - a greater amount of truth than of the good which he receives. This is why here it is said of the city, which means truth, that 'it is small', and again in this same verse 'is it not small?' and also in verse 22 that 'he called the name of the city Zoar', which means small in the original language. The reason for this is that the subject here is people with the affection for truth, and not so much with the affection for good.

Latin(1748-1756) 2429

2429. Quod `ea parva' significet quod ex parvo quod haberet, constare potest a significatione `urbis' quod sit verum, de qua mox supra, quae quod `parva,' significat quod parum veri, hic quod ex parvo quod haberet, ut constat ab illis quae praecedunt et quae sequuntur. Quod ipsam rem attinet, nempe quod parum veri sit illis qui in affectione veri, respective ac illis qui in affectione boni, constare potest ex eo quod (m)ex pusillo et obscuro bono quod apud illos, spectent verum; [2] verum apud hominem se prorsus habet secundum bonum apud eum; ubi parum boni, ibi parum veri; in simili ratione sunt et in simili gradu, seu pari passu, ut dicitur, ambulant; quod quidem ut paradoxon videri potest, sed usque ita se habet; bonum est ipsa essentia veri, verum absque sua essentia non est verum, tametsi apparet sicut foret, est modo sonans quid, et sicut vas vacuum; [3] ut quis verum apud se habeat, non solum debet scire illud sed etiam agnoscere et ei fidem habere; cum hoc, tunc primum habet verum, quia tunc id afficit eum et manet; aliter cum modo scit verum et non agnoscit ac ei fidem habet, tunc non habet in se verum; ut fit apud plures qui in malo sunt; ii scire possunt vera et quandoque prae aliis, sed usque non habent illud, immo tanto minus habent quia corde suo illud negant; [4] providetur a Domino ut nemo plus veri habeat, hoc est agnoscat et credat quam quantum boni recipiat: inde est quod hic dicatur de urbe, per quam significatur verum, quod `ea parva,' ac iterum in hoc versu, `annon parva ea?' tum vers. 22, quod `vocavit nomen urbis Zoar,' per quod in lingua originali {1} significatur parvum, ex causa quia hic agitur de illis qui in affectione veri sunt, et non ita in affectione boni. @1 etiam.$

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