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属天的奥秘 第2430节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2430

2430. Let me I pray escape thither. That this signifies that from this small amount of truth it might be permissible to have regard to good, is evident from what precedes and what follows. It was said that he should "escape to the mountain," by which is signified the good of love and of charity (n. 2419); but it was answered that he could not do this, but could escape to the city, by which is signified the truth of faith (n. 2428); thus that he could regard good from truth, or what is the same, charity from faith. Moreover, that city was situated at the foot of the mountain; and from it he afterwards went up and dwelt on the mountain, but in a cave (verse 30).

Elliott(1983-1999) 2430

2430. 'Let me, I beg you, escape to it' means that from that small amount of truth it is permitted to regard good. This becomes clear from what comes before and after. It was said that 'he should escape to the mountain' by which is meant the good of love and charity, 2419, but he replied that he could not do so, but that he could escape 'to the city', by which is meant the truth of faith, 2428, thus that he could regard good from truth, or what amounts to the same, regard charity from faith. That city moreover was situated at the foot of the mountain, and from it he subsequently went up and dwelt on the mountain, though in a cave there, verse 30.

Latin(1748-1756) 2430

2430. Quod `eripiam me quaeso illuc' significet quod ex illo liceat {1} spectare bonum, constare potest ex iis quae antecedunt et quae sequuntur; dictum est quod `se eriperet ad montem,' per quem significatur bonum amoris et charitatis, n. 2419, at responsum quod hoc non posset, sed quod `ad urbem,' per quam significatur verum fidei, n. 2428, ita quod ex vero spectare posset bonum, seu quod idem, ex fide charitatem; urbs etiam illa sita erat sub monte, et ex illa dei ascendit et habitavit in monte, sed in spelunca ibi, vers. 30. @1 2427 has liceret.$

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