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属天的奥秘 第2432节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2432

2432. And my soul shall live. That this signifies that so perchance he might be saved, is likewise evident without explication. That he also was saved, because there was good in his truth, is evident from what follows, namely, from the answer, "Behold, I have accepted thy face as to this word also, that I will not overthrow the city of which thou hast spoken" (verse 21); and afterwards, "The sun was gone forth upon the earth, and Lot came unto Zoar" (verse 23); by which is meant that they who are in the affection of truth, that is, who are in faith, are saved, provided it is the faith of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2432

2432. That 'let my soul live' means he would thus perhaps be saved is also clear without explanation. He was saved also because his truth had good within it, as is clear from what follows, that is, from the reply, 'Behold, I have accepted you as regards this matter also, that I will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken', verse 21, and after that, 'The sun had gone forth over the earth, and Lot came to Zoar', verse 23, statements used to mean that people with the affection for truth are saved, that is, those with faith, provided that it is a faith grounded. in good.

Latin(1748-1756) 2432

2432. Quod `vivat anima mea' significet quod sic fortassis salvaretur, constat quoque absque explicatione; quod etiam salvatus sit quia in vero ejus esset bonum, constat ab illis quae sequuntur, nempe a responso `Ecce acceptavi faciem tuam etiam quoad verbum hoc, quod non evertam urbem de qua locutus,' vers. 21; et dein, `Se egressus super terram, et Lot venit Zoarem,' vers. 23, per qui intelligitur quod salventur illi qui in affectione veri, hoc est, qui i fide, modo sit fides boni.

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