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属天的奥秘 第2464节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2464

2464. And his two daughters. That this signifies the affections thence derived, which are those of such good and such falsity, is evident from the signification of "daughters," as being affections (n. 2461). The good from which came these affections, or the father from whom came these daughters, was Lot; and the truth from which came these affections, or the mother of the daughters, was Lot's wife; and when she was made a pillar of salt, that is, when the good of truth was vastated, then there came forth such good as is signified by "Lot in the cave," and such affections thence derived as are signified by the "daughters."

Elliott(1983-1999) 2464

2464. 'And his two daughters' means affections deriving from that good- affections for that kind of good and for that kind of falsity. This is clear from the meaning of 'daughters' as affections, 2461. The good from which the affections were derived, that is, the father from whom the daughters were begotten, is 'Lot'. But the truth, or the mother, from whom they came, was 'Lot's wife'. When she has become a pillar of salt, that is, when good within truth has been vastated, such good as is meant by 'Lot in the cave', and such affections deriving from that good as are meant by 'the daughters' in that case manifest themselves.

Latin(1748-1756) 2464

2464. `Et duae filiae ejus': quod significent affectiones inde, quae sunt talis boni et talis falsi, constat a significatione `filiarum' quod sint affectiones, n. 2461. Bonum ex quo affectiones, seu pater ex quo filiae, est {1} `Lot'; at verum ex quo illae, seu mater, erat `uxor Loti,' quae cum facta statua salis, hoc est, cum bonum veri vastatum {2}, tunc tale bonum quod significatur per `Lotum in spelunca,' et tales affectiones inde quae significantur per `filias,' existunt. @1 i hic.$ @2 cum verum vastatur.$

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