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属天的奥秘 第2461节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2461

2461. And his two daughters with him. That this signifies that so did the affections thence derived, is evident from the signification of "daughters," as being affections (see n. 489-491); but such as the good is, such are the affections that are derived from it. Even spurious and impure good has its affections, for all are affected by the things which they deem to be good, of whatever kind these may be, for they are the objects of their love.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2461

2461. 'His two daughters with him' means as did affections deriving from that good. This is clear from the meaning of 'daughters' as affections, dealt with in 489-491. But as is the good so are the affections deriving from it. Even spurious and impure good has its own affections, for all people have an affection for the things which they suppose to be good, whatever the actual nature of those things, since they are the objects of their love.

Latin(1748-1756) 2461

2461. Quod `duae filiae ejus cum eo' significet quod affectiones ejus similiter, constat a significatione `filiarum' quod sint affectione de qua n. 489-491; sed quale bonum, tales affectiones; etiam bonum spurium et impurum suas affectiones habet, omnes enim afficiunt illis quae bona esse autumant {1}, qualiacumque sunt {2}, nam sunt eorum amoris. @1 putant.$ @2 sint.$

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