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属天的奥秘 第2554节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2554

2554. They will kill me for my wife's sake. That this signifies that thus the celestial things of faith also would perish, if they were to think that spiritual truth alone could be conjoined with celestial good, is evident from the signification of "killing," as being to perish; and from the signification of "wife," as being spiritual truth conjoined with celestial good (see n. 2507). This is another reason why the Lord thus thought, and is as follows. The Divine good, which is here called celestial good, is united as by a marriage to the Divine truth, which is here called spiritual truth (n. 2508); and although the Divine good is united in this manner to the Divine truth alone, it nevertheless flows into lower truths, and conjoins itself with them, but not as by a marriage; for it flows into rational truths which are only appearances of truth, and conjoins itself with them; nay, it flows into truths of sense and of memory-knowledge, which are scarcely anything but fallacies, and conjoins itself with these. Unless this were so, no man could possibly have been saved (see volume 1, n. 1831-1832). That the Divine good might be conjoined with truths of reason and of memory-knowledge, and that man might thus be saved, was the purpose of the Lord's coming into the world; for without the Lord's Human made Divine there cannot possibly be any conjunction; whereas through Him there is conjunction. [2] Besides this arcanum, there are still other arcana in the words "they will kill me for my wife's sake" (by which is signified that so the celestial things of faith would perish, if they were to think that spiritual truth alone could be conjoined with celestial good); for example, that if men were to have no regard for spiritual truth, celestial good would thereby also perish; for when the former is rejected the latter perishes; and again, that unless it were said that they should adore the Father (although there is no access to Him except through the Son, and he who sees the Son sees the Father, John 14:8-12), it would not have been received: besides other arcana.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2554

2554. 'They will kill me on account of my wife' means that this being so the celestial things of faith would perish also if they were to think that spiritual truth alone could be joined to celestial good. This is clear from the meaning of 'killing' as perishing, and from the meaning of 'a wife' as spiritual truth joined to celestial good, dealt with in 2507. This is a second reason why the Lord's thought was such - that Divine Good, called celestial good here, is united as by marriage to Divine Truth, called spiritual truth here, 2508. And although Divine Good is united in this manner to Divine Truth alone, it nevertheless flows into lower truths and joins itself to them, but not as by marriage; for it flows into rational truths, which are merely appearances of truth, and joins itself to them. Indeed it flows as well into factual and sensory truths which are little more than illusions and joins itself to these. If it did not do so no one at all could possibly have been saved. For these matters, see Volume One, in 1831, 1832. To enable Divine Good to be joined to rational truths and to factual and sensory truths, and so to enable a person to be saved, was another reason for the Lord's Coming into the world, for unless the Lord's Human had been made Divine, Divine Good could not possibly be joined to those truths. But through Him they are so joined.

[2] In addition to this arcanum, there are many other arcana within these words, 'They will kill me on account of my wife', which mean that such being so the celestial things of faith would perish if men were to think that spiritual truth alone could be joined to celestial good. One arcanum within them is that when people had no respect for spiritual truth, celestial good would thereby perish, for once spiritual truth is rejected celestial good perishes. Another arcanum is that unless it had been declared that they were to worship the Father - though there is no other way to Him except through the Son, and 'he who sees the Son sees the Father', John 14: 8-12 - it would not have been accepted. And there are other arcana in them besides these.

Latin(1748-1756) 2554

2554. Quod `occident me propter verbum uxoris meae' significet quod sic caelestia fidei quoque perirent, si cogitarent quod solum spirituale verum conjungi potuisset caelesti bono, constat ex significatione `occidere' quod sit perire; et a significatione `uxoris' quod si spirituale verum conjunctum caelesti bono, de qua n. 2507. Hae altera causa est cur ita cogitatum, quae ita se habet: Divinum Bonum, quod hic caeleste bonum vocatur, Divino Vero, quod hic spirituale verum dicitur, unitum est quasi conjugio, n. 2508; et tametsi Divinum Bonum soli Divino Vero ita unitum est, usque influit in vera inferiora et cum illis se conjungit sed non sicut conjugio; influit enim in vera rationalia, quae modo sunt apparentiae veri, et cum illis se conjungit; immo etiam in vera scientifica et sensualia, quae vix aliud sunt quam fallaciae, et cum iis se conjungit; nisi ita, nusquam aliquis homo salvari potuisset; videatur de his in Parte Prima n. 1831, 1832. Ut Divinum Bonum cum illis et his posset conjungi, et sic salvari homo, etiam causa fuit Adventus Domini in mundum, nam absque Humani Domini Divino facto nusquam aliqua conjunctio, sed per Ipsum est conjunctio. [2] Praeter hoc arcanum, etiam plura adhuc arcana sunt in his verbis `Quod occident me propter verbum uxoris meae,' quibus significatur quod sic caelestia fidei perirent, si cogitarent quod solum spirituale verum conjungi potuisset caelesti bono, nempe hoc, cum nullum respectum haberent veri spiritualis quod sic etiam bonum caeleste periret, illo enim rejecto perit hoc: tum quoque hoc, nisi dictum quod adorarent Patrem, tametsi `nullus aditus ad Ipsum quam per Filium' et `qui videt Filium videt Patrem,' Joh. xiv 8-12, nec receptum fuisset; praeter adhuc alia.

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