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属天的奥秘 第261节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]261. Genesis 3:16. And to the woman he said, "I will vastly multiply your pain in conception. In pain you will bear children, and your obedience will be to your husband; and he will rule over you."
The woman now symbolizes the church, on account of the self-dependence the church loved. To multiply pain vastly symbolizes conflict, and anxiety stemming from conflict. Conception symbolizes all thinking. The children she would bear in pain symbolize the truth the church would produce in this state. The husband, or man, here as before symbolizes the rational capacity [207, 229, 238], which the church is to obey and which will rule.

Potts(1905-1910) 261

261. Verse 16. And unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth sons, and thine obedience shall be to thy man [vir], and he shall rule over thee. By the "woman" is now signified the church as to proprium, which it loved; by "greatly multiplying her sorrow" is signified combat, and the anxiety it occasions; by "conception" every thought; by the "sons whom she would bring forth in sorrow" the truths which she would thus produce; by "man" here as before, the rational which it will obey, and which will rule.

Elliott(1983-1999) 261

261. Verse 16 And to the woman He said, I will greatly multiply your pain and your conceiving; in pain you will bear sons; and your obedience will be to your husband, and he will have dominion over you.

At this point 'the woman' means the Church [corrupted] by the proprium, which it loved. 'Greatly multiplying its pain' means conflict and the anxiety that arises out of conflict. 'Conceiving' means every thought. 'The sons' it would bear in pain means the truths it would in this way bring forth. 'Husband' (vir) here, as previously, means the rational which it is to obey and which is to have dominion over it.

Latin(1748-1756) 261

261. Vers. 16. Et ad mulierem dixit, Multiplicando multiplicabo dolorem tuum, et conceptum tuum; in dolore paries filios, et ad virum tuum oboedientia tua, et hic dominabitur tibi. Per 'mulierem' nunc significatur Ecclesia, ex proprio quod amavit: per 'multiplicando multiplicare dolorem' significatur pugna et ex pugna anxietas: per 'conceptum' omnis cogitatio: per 'filios quos in dolore pareret' vera quae sic produceret: per 'virum' hic, ut prius, rationale, cui oboediet et quod dominabitur.

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