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属天的奥秘 第262节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]262. The symbolism of the woman as the church has already been mentioned [252-253]. Here she symbolizes the church corrupted by the self-dependence that she symbolized earlier — the subject under discussion being the generation that inherited the earliest church, which had become corrupt.

Potts(1905-1910) 262

262. That the church is signified by the "woman" has been previously shown, but here the church perverted by the Own which was itself formerly signified by the "woman" because the posterity of the Most Ancient Church, which had become perverted, is now treated of.

Elliott(1983-1999) 262

262. 'The woman' means the Church, as stated already. At this point it means the Church when corrupted by the proprium, which up to now is what 'woman' has meant, because the subject is the generation of the descendants of the Most Ancient Church which had become corrupted.

Latin(1748-1756) 262

262. Quod per 'mulierem' significetur Ecclesia, prius dictum; hic Ecclesia perversa ex proprio, quod prius per mulierem significatum est, quia de posteritate Ecclesiae Antiquissimae, quae perversa facta, agitur.

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