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属天的奥秘 第2618节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2618

2618. And Jehovah did unto Sarah. That this signifies the state of unition, namely, of the Lord's Divine spiritual in His Divine celestial, is evident from the signification of "doing," when predicated of the Lord's Divine, as being the sum total of the effect, consequently the state; and from the signification of "Jehovah," and also of "Sarah" (concerning which see above, n. 2616). As regards the state of unition of the Lord's Divine spiritual in His Divine celestial, this is the very marriage itself of good and truth, from which comes the heavenly marriage; and this marriage is the Lord's kingdom in the heavens and on earth. For this reason the Lord's kingdom is so frequently in the Word called a "marriage," and is compared to a marriage. The reason (a secret one) is that all conjugial love (and through this all celestial and spiritual love) comes from the marriage of Divine good and truth, and of Divine truth and good, in the Lord. What further arcana are enfolded in these words: that "Jehovah visited Sarah as He had said," and that "Jehovah did unto Sarah as He had spoken," cannot be declared, because they are inexpressible; for they comprise the very state itself of the unition of the Lord's Divine with His Human. Appearances of this are presented by the Lord before the angels by means of heavenly lights, and are illustrated by means of ineffable representations; but they cannot be presented before men, because it would have to be done by means of such things as belong to the light of the world, into which such arcana do not fall; nay, by a description based on such things they become more obscure.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2618

2618. 'And Jehovah did to Sarah' means a state when the two existed united together - the Lord's Divine spiritual within His Divine celestial. This is clear from the meaning of 'doing', when it has reference to the Lord's Divine, as the entire realization of the effect and consequently of the state; and from the meaning of 'Jehovah', and also of 'Sarah', dealt with just above in 2616. As regards the state when the two existed united together- the Lord's Divine spiritual within His Divine celestial- this is the marriage itself of good and truth, which is the origin of the heavenly marriage. The heavenly marriage is the Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth, and that is why so many times in the Word the Lord's kingdom is called a marriage, and is compared to a marriage. The reason, which is an arcanum, is that the marriage of Divine Good and Truth, and of Divine Truth and Good, within the Lord is the source of all conjugial love, and through that love the source of all celestial and spiritual love. What further arcana are embodied in these words - 'Jehovah visited Sarah as He had said, and Jehovah did to Sarah as He had spoken' - cannot be made known as they lie beyond description. For these words comprehend the state itself when the Lord's Divine exists united to His Human. Appearances of this state are presented by the Lord to the eyes of the angels by means of heavenly lights, and are illustrated also by means of indescribable representations. But those appearances cannot be presented to men because they would have to be presented by means of objects such as belong to the light of the world, which objects cannot serve to express them. Indeed a description that relies on such things makes them all the more obscure.

Latin(1748-1756) 2618

2618. `Et fecit Jehovah Sarae': quod significet statum unitionis, nempe Divini spiritualis Domini in Divino caelesti Ipsius, constat ex significatione `facere' cum praedicatur de Divino Domini, quod sit omne effectus, proinde status; et ex significatione `Jehovae,' tam `Sarae,' de qua mox supra n. 2616. Quod statum unitionis Divini spiritualis Domini in Divino caelesti Ipsius attinet, est ipsum conjugium boni et veri, unde conjugium caeleste, quod conjugium est regnum Domini in caelis et terris, ideo regnum Domini toties in Verbo dicitur `conjugium,' et comparatur conjugio; causa quae arcanum, est quia ex conjugio Divini {1} Boni et Veri, (c)et Divini Veri et Boni in Domino est omnis amor conjugialis, et per hanc omnis amor caelestis et spiritualis. Quae praeterea arcana involvuntur his verbis quod `Jehovah visitavit Saram, quemadmodum dixit, et fecit Jehovah Sarae, quemadmodum locutus est,' non edici possunt quia inexpressibilia; comprehendunt enim ipsum statum unitionis Divini Domini cum Humano Ipsius; apparentiae ejus sistuntur coram angelis a Domino per caelestes luces, et illustrantur per repraesentationes ineffabiles; sed nequeunt coram hominibus, quia erunt per talia quae sunt lucis mundi, in quae non cadunt, immo per descriptionem ex talibus plus obscurantur. @1 Divino I.$

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