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属天的奥秘 第2742节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2742

2742. A certain semblance of conjugial love is found with some, but is not really that unless they are in the love of good and truth. It is a love appearing like conjugial love, but it is for the sake of the love of the world or of self, namely, to be served at home, or to be in security or at ease, or to be ministered to when ill and when growing old; or for the sake of the care of their children whom they love. With some this seeming love is induced from fear of the consort, or for one's reputation, or fear of misfortunes; and with some from lascivious love. This appears in the first period as if it were conjugial love; for at that time they behave with something like innocence, they sport like little children, they have a perception of joy as of something from heaven; but with the progress of time they do not become united more and more closely, like those who are in conjugial love, but are being separated. Conjugial love also differs with the consorts; with the one it may be more or less, with the other little or nothing; and because of this difference there may be heaven for the one, but hell for the other. The affection and the reception determine this.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2742

2742. Something resembling conjugial love exists with some, but it is not in fact that love if the love of good and truth is not present in those persons. It is a love that seems like conjugial love, but the reasons for it lie in love of the world and self-love, that is to say, so that they may be waited on at home, have no cares, take their ease, be looked after when unwell and growing old, and so that their children whom they love may be cared for. With some this semblance of conjugial love is forced upon them out of fear of their partner, or for their reputation, or of ill fortunes; with some it is the love of licentiousness that induces it. This latter love appears in the early days as if it were conjugial love, for at that time they display something seemingly of innocence, playing about together like young children and feeling a joy as though of heaven. But they do not with the passing of time become more closely united to each other, as those do with whom conjugial love exists, but are becoming set apart. Conjugial love also differs among married couples; with one partner it may be greater or less, with the other little or none. And because of this difference it may for one be heaven, and for the other hell, affection and reception being the determining factors in this.

Latin(1748-1756) 2742

2742. Datur quoddam instar amoris conjugialis apud quosdam, sed usque non est si non in amore boni et veri sunt, est amor apparens sicut conjugialis, sed est ex causis amoris mundi aut sui, nempe ut serviantur domi, ut in securo sint, ut in otio, ut ministrentur cum non bene valent, et senescunt, ob curam liberorum quos amant {1}; quibusdam est coactum ex timore pro conjuge, pro fama, pro malis; quibusdam est amor lasciviae qui inducit, hic apparet primo tempore sicut conjugialis, tunc enim aliquid innocentiae aemulantur, ludunt sicut infantes, (o)et percipiunt gaudium sicut aliquid ex caelesti, at successu temporis non uniuntur, sicut illi qui in amore conjugiali sunt, magis et arctius, sed separantur. (m)Amor conjugialis etiam differt apud conjuges, apud unum potest esse plus aut minus, apud alterum parum vel nihil, et quia differt, uni potest esse caelum, alteri infernum, affectio et receptio (t)determinant haec (n). @1 i etiam.$

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