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属天的奥秘 第2743节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2743

2743. A great dog like Cerberus was seen by me, and I asked what it signified, and was told that by such a dog is signified a guard lest anyone should pass in conjugial love from heavenly delight to infernal delight, or the reverse; for they who are in genuine conjugial love are in heavenly delight; but they who are in adulteries are also in a delight which appears to them as heavenly, but is infernal. By the dog is thus represented that those opposite delights must not communicate.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2743

2743. I once saw a large dog like Cerberusa and asked what was meant by him. I was told that such a dog means the guard that is kept to prevent anyone filled with conjugial love from passing from delight that is of heaven to delight that is of hell, or vice versa. For those who are filled with genuine conjugial love experience delight that is of heaven, whereas those who are steeped in adulterous affairs experience delight also, which to them seems to be of heaven but is in fact of hell. The dog accordingly represents the guard that is kept to prevent those contrary delights from coming into communication with each other.


a The mythological three-headed dog which guarded the entrance to Hades or hell.

Latin(1748-1756) 2743

2743. Visus mihi magnus canis instar Cerberi, et quaesivi quid significaret, dictum quod per talem canem significetur custodia ne in amore conjugiali transeatur a jucundo caelesti ad jucundum infernale, et vicissim; qui enim in amore genuino conjugiali [sunt], in jucundo caelesti sunt, qui autem in adulteriis, etiam in jucundo sunt quod apparet iis ut caeleste sed est infernale; per canem sic repraesentatur, ne jucunda illa opposita communicent.

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