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属天的奥秘 第2744节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2744

2744. It was shown me how the delights from conjugial love advance, on the one side to heaven, and on the other to hell. The advancement of the delights toward heaven was into blessedness and happiness continually more and more, even to what was beyond number or description; and the more interior, the more innumerable and ineffable, even to the very celestial happiness of the inmost heaven, or of the heaven of innocence; and this with the greatest freedom, for all freedom is from love; and thus the greatest freedom is from conjugial love, and is heavenly freedom itself. It was then shown how the delights of conjugial love descend toward hell-that they remove themselves little by little away from heaven, and this likewise with apparent freedom, till at last scarcely anything human remains in them. The deadly and infernal end to which they come has been seen, but cannot be described. A certain spirit who was then with me, and likewise saw these things, ran hastily forward to some sirens, of this character, declaring that he would show them the quality of their delight, and at first having the idea of delight; but as by little and little he came more in front, his idea was continued on, like the progress of the delight, to hell; and at length it ended in such horror. Sirens are women who have been in the persuasion that it is honorable to commit whoredom and adultery, and have also been valued by others for being so disposed, and for being in the elegancies of life. Most of them come into the other life from Christendom. They are treated of above (n. 831, 959, 1515, 1983, 2483).

Elliott(1983-1999) 2744

2744. I have been shown the way in which the delights from conjugial love advance on one side towards heaven and on the other towards hell. The advancement of delights towards heaven was an advancement into forms of blessedness and happiness constantly increasing, until they were beyond number or description. And the more interiorly they advanced the more countless and indescribable they became, even to the celestial forms themselves of blessedness and happiness of the inmost heaven, which is the heaven of innocence. And all this entails perfect freedom, for all freedom is attributable to love, so that perfect freedom is attributable to conjugial love, which is heavenly love itself. I was then shown the way in which the delights of conjugial love advance towards hell; that they move away from heaven little by little, which too entails apparent freedom, until scarcely anything human at all remains in them. The final deadly and hellish condition into which they ended was seen by me but I cannot describe it. A certain spirit who was with me at the time and who also saw those things hurried forwards to some sirens who were of this character, crying out that he would show them the nature of their delight. At first he had the idea of delight, but as little by little he went forwards his idea was made to continue, like the advancement of the delight, towards hell, and at length to end in such horror. Sirens are women who labour under the delusion that it is perfectly correct to commit whoredom and adultery, and who are also esteemed by others for being such as they are and for leading outwardly respectable lives. The majority of them come into the next life from Christendom. See what is said about them in 831, 959, 1515, 1983, 2483.

Latin(1748-1756) 2744

2744. Ostensum mihi quomodo progrediuntur jucunda ab amore conjugiali, hinc ad caelum, illinc ad infernum; progressio jucundorum versus caelum erat in beatitudines et felicitates continue plures, usque ad innumerabiles et ineffabiles, et quo interius in innumerabiliores et ineffabiliores, usque ad ipsas caelestes caeli intimi seu innocentiae; et hoc per liberrimum, omne enim liberum est ex amore, ita liberrimum ex amore conjugiali qui est ipse caelestis. Ostensum dein quomodo progrediuntur jucunda amoris conjugialis versus infernum, quod se paullatim removeant a caelo, et hoc quoque ex apparente libero, usque dum iis vix aliquid humani remanet; mortiferum et infernale in quod desinunt, quod visum, non describi potest. Quidam spiritus qui tunc apud me, et illa quoque vidit, festinabat antrorsum ad sirenes quae tales, clamans quod ostenderet iis quale eorum jucundum, tenens primum ideam jucundi, sed cum paullatim magis antrorsum venit, continuabatur idea, sicut jucundi progressio, ad infernum, et tandem desiit in talem horrorem. Sirenes sunt quae in persuasione quod honestum sit scortari et adulterari, etiam aestimatae ab aliis quod tales, et quod in decoris vitae; earum plurima pars in alteram vitam e Christianismo veniunt; de illis videatur n. 831, 959, 1515, 1893, (x)2483.

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