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属天的奥秘 第2745节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2745

2745. There are women who do not love their husbands, but hold them in contempt, and at length esteem them as of no account. Their quality was represented to me by a cock, a wild cat, and a tiger of a dark color. It was said that such begin by talking much, and then proceed to scolding, and at length put on the nature of the tiger. It was said by some that such still love their children; but it was answered that such love is not human, and that it flows equally into the evil, and even into animals of whatever kind, to such a degree that these also love their offspring more than themselves. It was added that with such persons there is nothing of conjugial love.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2745

2745. There are women who do not love their husbands but despise them, and at length value them as good-for-nothings. The character of these women was represented to me by a cock, a wild cat, and a dark-coloured tiger. I was told that such women start off by talking a lot, go on to scolding, and at length assume the nature of the tiger. It was stated by some that such women nevertheless love their children, but the reply was made that this love is not human, and that it flows equally into the evil, and even into all types of living creatures, so much so that these also love their offspring more than themselves. It was added that nothing of conjugial love resides with such as these.

Latin(1748-1756) 2745

2745. Sunt quae non amant maritos, sed eos vilipendunt, et tandem pro nihilo aestimant; quales illae sunt, repraesentatum est per gallum, felem silvestrem, et tigridem obscuri coloris; dictum quod tales incipiant multum loqui, dein increpare, et tandem tigridis naturam induunt; dicebatur a quibusdam quod tales usque amant liberos, at responsum quod amor ille non sit humanus, et quod influat aeque in malos, etiam in animalia quaecumque, usque adeo ut quoque haec ament prolem prae se; adjiciebatur quod apud tales nihil amoris conjugialis sit.

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