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属天的奥秘 第2746节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2746

2746. There was a certain spirit in middle altitude above the head, who in the life of the body had lived wantonly, delighted with variety, so that he loved no one constantly, but passed his time in brothels, and thus had scortated with many, every one of whom he had afterwards rejected. It hence came to pass that he had beguiled many, and had thereby extinguished the desire for marriage, even for the procreation of children, and thus had contracted an unnatural nature. All these things were disclosed, and he was miserably punished, and this in the sight of the angels; and afterwards he was cast into hell. (Concerning the hells of adulterers, see volume 1, n. 824-830.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 2746

2746. There was a certain spirit fairly high up overhead who during his lifetime had lived licentiously and had delighted in variety, so that he did not love one woman constantly but frequented brothels. Thus he had fornicated with many, each of whom he had rejected after going with her. It therefore came about that he had cheated many and that consequently he had annihilated the desire for marriage, and even the desire to beget children, and so had acquired an unnatural nature. All these things were disclosed, and then he suffered wretched punishment - these events being witnessed by the angels; and after that he was cast into hell. Concerning the hells of adulterers, see Volume One, in 824-830.

Latin(1748-1756) 2746

2746. Erat quidam spiritus in media altitudine supra caput, qui in vita corporis lascive vixerat, delectatus varietate, sic ut nullam constanter amaverit, sed in lupinaribus, et sic scortatus cum multis, et rejecerit singulas postea, inde factum, quod plures defraudaverit, et quod inde exstinxerit desiderium pro conjugio, etiam pro infantum procreatione, et sic naturam innaturalem contraxerit: omnia illa detecta fuerunt, et is misere punitus, et hoc in conspectu angelorum; et dein in infernum conjectus. De infernis adulterorum videatur in Parte Prima n. 824-830.

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