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属天的奥秘 第2965节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2965

2965. Which he had spoken of in the ears of the sons of Heth. That this signifies according to the capacity of those who are of the new church, is evident from the signification of "speaking in the ears," and of the "sons of Heth." In the internal sense to "speak" signifies both to perceive and to will (that it signifies to perceive, see n. 2619; that it signifies to will, n. 2626). But the "ears" signify obedience (see n. 2542); hence to "speak in the ears" denotes according to the capacity (for the capacity depends on the reception, and thus on the obedience accordingly as one perceives and wills); also from the signification of the "sons of Heth," as being those who are of the new spiritual church (concerning which see above, n. 2913). (That the man of the church is reformed, that is, the truth of faith is implanted in him, and that this is conjoined with the good of charity, will be stated below in this verse, n. 2967.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 2965

2965. 'Which he had spoken of in the ears of the sons of Heth' means according to the propensity of those who belonged to the new Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking in the ears' and of 'the sons of Heth'. 'Speaking' in the internal sense means both perceiving (see 2619) and 'willing' (see 2626), while 'the ears' means obedience, 2542. Consequently 'speaking in the ears of' means according to their propensity, for propensity is the ability to receive and then to obey what someone perceives and wills. And the meaning of 'the sons of Heth' as those who belonged to the new spiritual Church is dealt with above in 2913. The consideration that the member of the Church is reformed, that is, has the truth of faith implanted in him, and that this is joined to good that is the good of charity, will be discussed further on in this verse, in 2967.

Latin(1748-1756) 2965

2965. `Quod locutus in auribus filiorum Heth': quod significet secundum facultatem illorum qui a nova Ecclesia, constat a significatione `loqui in auribus,' et a `filiorum Heth'; `loqui' in sensu interno significat et percipere et velle; quod percipere, videatur n. 2619, quod velle, n. 2626; `aures' autem significant oboedientiam, n. 2542; inde est quod `loqui in auribus' sit secundum facultatem, facultas enim est receptionis, ita oboedientiae secundum quod quis percipit et vult; tum ex significatione `filiorum Heth' quod sint illi qui a nova Ecclesia spirituali, de qua supra n. 2913. Quod reformetur homo Ecclesiae, hoc est, ei implantetur verum quod fidei, et hoc conjungatur bono quod {1}charitatis, infra in hoc versu n. 2967 dicetur. @1 quantum recipere et velle potest, hoc est, secundum ejus facultatem, mox$

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