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属天的奥秘 第2966节


2966、“四百舍客勒银子”表示救赎的价值,如前所示(2959节)。但现在需要定义救赎的价值。救赎只属于主,救赎的价值也是。然而,人对救赎的接受也被称为救赎的价值,因为人里面的救赎价值取决于他对救赎的接受程度。救赎的价值是主通过最严厉的试探所获得的功德和公义,主通过这些试探使人身或人性本质与神性本质,并神性本质与人身或人性本质合一,并凭自己的能力如此行。祂通过将它们合一拯救了人类,尤其拯救了那些属于属灵教会的人。主通过最严厉的试探变成公义(参看1813, 2025-2027节);主将人身或人性本质与神性本质,并神性本质与人身或人性本质合一(参看1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 1813, 2083节);祂凭自己的能力如此行(参看1616, 1921, 2025, 2026, 2083, 2500, 2523, 2632节);祂通过两者的合一拯救了人类,尤其拯救了那些属于属灵教会的人(参看2661, 2716节)。这些就是“救赎的价值”所表示的事。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2966

2966. Four hundred shekels of silver. That this signifies the price of redemption, was shown above (n. 2959); but what the price of redemption is shall now be told. Redemption is of the Lord alone, and so too is the price of redemption; and this price is also predicated of the reception by man, with whom the price is great according to the reception. The price of redemption is the Lord's merit and righteousness through the most grievous temptations, whereby He united the Human Essence to the Divine, and the Divine Essence to the Human, and this by His own power; and by this unition saved the human race, and especially those who are of the spiritual church. (That the Lord was made righteousness through the most grievous temptations, may be seen above, n. 1813, 2025-2027; also that He united the Human Essence to the Divine Essence, and the Divine to the Human, n. 1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 1813, 2083; and that He did this from His own power, n. 1616, 1921, 2025, 2026, 2083, 2500, 2523, 2632; and by this unition saved the human race, and especially those who are of the spiritual church, n. 2661, 2716.) These are the things which are signified by the "price of redemption." [2] That this price is also predicated of the reception with man, with whom it is great in proportion to his reception, is evident from the fact that it is the Lord's Divine which makes the church with man; for nothing is called the church that is not the Lord's own; for it is the good which is of love and charity, and it is the truth which is of faith, which make that which is called the church. That all good is from the Lord, and that all truth is from Him, is well known; good and truth that are from man are not good and truth; and from this it is plain that the price of redemption with a man is great in proportion to his reception. [3] As with the Jews the Lord's redemption was so little esteemed as to be scarcely anything, it is said in Zechariah:

I said unto them, If it be good in your eyes, give me my hire, and if not, forbear. And they weighed my hire, thirty pieces of silver. And Jehovah said unto me, Cast it unto the potter, the goodly price that I was priced at of them (Zech. 11:12-13). And in Matthew:

They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of Him that was priced, whom they had bought from the sons of Israel, and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me (Matt. 27:9-10). That "thirty" denotes what is so little as to be scarcely anything, may be seen above (n. 2276); thus this passage denotes that the Jews placed no value on the merit and redemption of the Lord. But with those who believe all good and all truth to be from the Lord, the price of redemption is signified by "forty," and in a higher degree by "four hundred."

Elliott(1983-1999) 2966

2966. 'Four hundred shekels of silver' means the price of redemption, as has been shown above in 2959. But what the price of redemption is will now be stated. Redemption is attributable to the Lord alone, and so also is the price of redemption. Yet the latter may also be spoken of in reference to man's receptivity, though with him the price of redemption is determined by the measure of his receptivity. The price of redemption is the Lord's merit and righteousness acquired through the severest temptations by which He united the Human Essence to the Divine Essence, and the Divine Essence to the Human Essence, doing so by His own power. And through that uniting of them He has saved the human race, especially those who belong to the spiritual Church.

For the Lord's becoming righteousness through the severest temptations, see 1813, 2025-2027.

For the Lord's uniting of the Human Essence to the Divine Essence, and the Divine Essence to the Human Essence, 1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 1813, 2083.

For His doing this by His own power, 1616, 1921, 2025, 2026, 2083, 2500, 2523, 2632.

And for His salvation of the human race, especially those who belong to the spiritual Church, through that uniting of both, 2661, 2716.

These are the factors meant by the price of redemption.

[2] As regards the consideration that this price may also be spoken of in reference to man's receptivity, though with him that price is determined by the measure of his receptivity, this may be seen from the truth that it is the Lord's Divine which constitutes the Church with man. For the Church does not hearken to anything except that which is the Lord's own. It is the good of love and charity, and the truth of faith, that constitute that which is called the Church. For it is well known that all good comes from the Lord and that all truth comes from the Lord. Good and truth that come from man are not good and truth. From this it is evident that the price of redemption is with man determined by the measure of his receptivity.

[3] Because among the Jews the Lord's redemption was rated so low as to be scarcely anything at all, it is therefore said in Zechariah,

I said to them, If it is good in your eyes, give me my wages; and if not, withhold them. And they weighed out my wages, thirty pieces of silver. And Jehovah said to me, Throw it to the potter, the magnificent price I was valued at among them. Zech 11:12, 13.

And in Matthew,

They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on him whom they had bought from the children of Israel, and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord commanded me. Matt 27:9, 10.

'Thirty' is that which is so little as to be scarcely anything, see 2276. Thus the meaning is that the Jews rated the Lord's merit and redemption as nothing, but among those who believed that all good and all truth came from the Lord, the price of redemption is meant by 'forty' and to a higher degree by 'four hundred'.

Latin(1748-1756) 2966

2966. `Quadringentos siclos argenti': quod significet redemptionis pretium, supra n. 2959 ostensum est, sed quid redemptionis pretium, {1}dicetur; redemptio est solius Domini, ita quoque redemptionis pretium; et hoc praedicatur etiam de receptione apud hominem, apud quem redemptionis pretium tantum est quantum recipit: redemptionis pretium est Domini meritum et justitia per gravissimas tentationes, per quas univit Essentiam Humanam Divinae et Divinam Humanae, et hoc ex propria potentia, et per unitionem illam salvavit genus humanum, ac imprimis illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali sunt; quod Dominus justitia factus per gravissimas tentationes, videatur n. 1813, 2025, 2026, 2027; quod univerit Essentiam Humanam Divinae et Divinam Humanae, n. 1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 1813, 2083; quod ex propria potentia, n. 1616, 1921, 2025, 2026, 2083, 2500, 2523, 2632; et quod per unitionem illam salvaverit genus humanum, ac imprimis illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, n. 2661, 2716; haec sunt quae significantur per redemptionis pretium: [2] quod etiam id praedicetur de receptione apud hominem, apud quem tantum est quantum is recipit, constare potest ex eo quod Divinum Domini sit quod apud hominem facit Ecclesiam, nihil enim audit Ecclesia quam quod est proprium Domini; est bonum quod amoris et charitatis, et est verum quod fidei, quae faciunt id quod Ecclesia dicitur; quod omne bonum a Domino et quod omne verum a Domino, notum est; bonum et verum quod ab homine, non est bonum et verum; inde patet quod redemptionis pretium tantum sit apud hominem quantum is recipit: [3] apud Judaeos, quoniam redemptio Domini tam parum aestimata fuit, ut vix esset aliquid, ideo dicitur apud Zachariam, Dixi ad illos, Si bonum in oculis vestris, date mercedem meam, et si non, omittite; et appenderunt mercedem meam, triginta argenteos, et dixit Jehovah ad me, Projice illud ad figulum, magnificentiam pretii, quo aestimatus sum apud illos, xi 12, 13:

et apud Matthaeum, Sumpserunt triginta argenteos, pretium aestimati, quem emerant a filiis Israelis, et dederunt pro agro figuli, sicut praecepit mihi Dominus, xxvii 10 [A.V. 9, 10];

`triginta' quod sit parum ut vix aliquid, videatur n. 2276; ita quod judaei non aestimaverint quicquam meritum et redemptionem Domini; at qui credunt omne bonum et omne verum a Domino, apud illos redemptionis pretium significatur per `quadraginta,' et in superiore gradu per `quadringenta.' @1 nondum dictum est$

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