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属天的奥秘 第2980节


2980、“在幔利对面的麦比拉田间的洞里”表示他们以这种方式尽可能地重生了。这从“洞”、“田”和“幔利对面的麦比拉”的含义清楚可知:“洞”是指处于模糊之中的信之真理(参看2935);“田”是指信之良善(参看2971节);“幔利对面或前面的麦比拉”是指重生的质和量(参看2970节)。因此,这句话的意思是这样:他们通过信之真理和良善尽可能地重生了,也就是照着他们的能力和理解力重生了(参看2913, 2928, 2975节)。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2980

2980. In the cave of the field of Machpelah, upon the faces of Mamre. That this signifies that thus they were regenerated so far as they could be, is evident from the signification of a "cave," as being the truth of faith that is in obscurity (see n. 2935); from the signification of "field," as being the good of faith (see n. 2971); from the signification of "Macphelah upon the faces of Mamre," or "before Mamre," as being the quality and the amount of regeneration (see n. 2970); thus the signification is that they were regenerated by means of the truth and good of faith so far as they could be, that is, according to their capacity and understanding (see n. 2913, 2928, 2975).

Elliott(1983-1999) 2980

2980. 'At the cave of the field of Machpelah facing Mamre' means that in this way they were regenerated to the extent that they could be. This is clear from the meaning of 'the cave' as the truth of faith enveloped in obscurity, dealt with in 2935; from the meaning of 'the field' as the good of faith, dealt with in 2971; from the meaning of 'Machpelah facing (or before) Mamre', as the nature and extent of regeneration, dealt with in 2970. Thus the meaning is that they were regenerated by means of the good and truth of faith to the extent that they could be, that is, according to their ability and understanding, 2913, 2928, 2975

Latin(1748-1756) 2980

2980. `Ad speluncam agri Machpelah super faciebus Mamre': quod significet quod sic regenerati quantum possent, constat ex significatione `speluncae' quod sit verum fidei quod in obscuro, de qua n. 2935; ex significatione `agri' quod sit bonum fidei, de qua n. 2971; ex significatione `Machpelae super faciebus Mamre,' seu coram Mamre, quod sit regenerationis quale et quantum, de qua n. 2970; ita quod per verum et bonum fidei regenerati sint quantum possent, hoc est, quod secundum facultatem et intellectum, n. 2913, 2928, 2975.

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