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属天的奥秘 第2979节


2979、“亚伯拉罕把他妻子撒拉埋葬”表示他们从主接受与良善结合的真理。这从“埋葬”的含义,以及“亚伯拉罕”和“妻子撒拉”的代表清楚可知:“埋葬”是指重生(参看2916, 2917节),稍后将说明,当人从主接受与良善结合的真理时,他就重生了;“亚伯拉罕”是指主,如前面频繁所述;“妻子撒拉”是指与良善结合的真理(参看2063, 2065, 2507节)。
此时,也就是当两者掉换过来时,这个人就重生了,不过,是照着被注入良善的真理的质和量而重生的。当真理和良善行如一体时,他就照着良善的质和量而重生了。这就是一切重生是如何进行的。实现重生是为了人能被接到天堂。天堂仅仅是真理与良善,并良善与真理的婚姻(参看2508, 2618, 2728, 2729节)。除非真理与良善的婚姻在人里面形成,否则他不能进入天上的婚姻,也就是进入天堂。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2979

2979. Abraham buried Sarah his wife. That this signifies that they received from the Lord truth conjoined with good, is evident from the signification of "burying," as being to regenerate (see n. 2916, 2917; that man is regenerate when he has received from the Lord truth conjoined with good will be shown presently); from the representation of "Abraham," as being the Lord (of which often before); and from the representation of "Sarah as a wife," as being truth conjoined with good (see n. 2063, 2065, 2507). [2] With the regeneration of the spiritual man the case is this. He is first instructed in the truths of faith, and then he is held by the Lord in the affection of truth. The good of faith, which is charity toward the neighbor, is at the same time insinuated into him, but in such a way that he is scarcely aware of it; for it lies hidden in the affection of truth, and this to the end that the truth which is of faith may be conjoined with the good which is of charity. As time goes on, the affection of truth which is of faith increases, and truth is regarded for the sake of its end, that is, for the sake of good, or what is the same, for the sake of the life, and this more and more. Thus is truth insinuated into good, and when this takes place the man imbues himself with the good of life according to the truth that has been insinuated; and so he acts or seems to himself to act from good. Previous to this time, the truth of faith was principal, but afterwards the good of life becomes so. [3] When this is the case the man is regenerate; but he is regenerate according to the quality and the amount of the truth that has been insinuated in good; and when truth and good act as one, he is regenerate according to the quality and the amount of the good: such is the case with all regeneration. Regeneration is effected to the end that man may be received into heaven. Heaven is nothing else than the marriage of truth and good, and of good and truth (see n. 2508, 2618, 2728, 2729); and if the marriage of truth and good be not formed with a man, he cannot be in the heavenly marriage, that is, in heaven.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2979

2979. 'Abraham buried Sarah his wife' means that they received truth joined to good from the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'burying' as regenerating, dealt with above in 2916, 2917 - the fact that man was regenerate once he had received truth joined to good from the Lord will be discussed next; from the representation of 'Abraham' as the Lord, often dealt with already; and from the representation of 'Sarah as a wife' as truth joined to good, dealt with in 2063, 2065, 2507.

[2] The regeneration of the spiritual man proceeds as follows: At first he is taught the truths of faith, during which time the Lord maintains his affection for truth. At the same time the good of faith, which is charity towards the neighbour, is instilled into him, though in such a way that he hardly knows it because that good lies concealed within the affection for truth. All this takes place to the end that the truth of faith may be joined to the good of charity. As time goes by the affection for the truth of faith increases and truth is seen because of its end in view, which is good, or what amounts to the same, life. That affection grows more and more. In this way is truth instilled into good, and while it is being instilled the person absorbs into himself the good of life in accordance with the truth that has been instilled into it. Thus he acts, or seems to himself to act, from good. Prior to this the truth of faith has been for him the chief thing, but after this the good of life becomes the chief thing.

[3] At this point the person is regenerate, but regenerate according to the nature and extent of truth instilled into good. And when truth and good act as one, he is regenerate according to the nature and extent of the good. This is how regeneration proceeds. Regeneration is carried out to the end that a person may be received into heaven - heaven being nothing else than the marriage of truth and good, and of good and truth, see 2508, 2618, 2728, 2729. Unless the marriage of truth and good is effected in a person he cannot be in the heavenly marriage, that is, be in heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 2979

2979. Quod `sepelivit Abraham Saram uxorem suam' significet quod reciperent verum conjunctum bono a Domino, constat a significatione `sepelire' quod sit regenerare, de qua supra n. 2916, 2917; quod regeneratus sit homo, cum receperat verum conjunctum bono a Domino, mox dicetur; a repraesentatione `Abrahami' quod sit Dominus, de qua saepius prius; et a repraesentatione `Sarae ut uxoris' quod sit verum conjunctum bono, de qua n. 2063, 2065, 2507. [2] Cum regeneratione hominis spiritualis, ita se habet: primum instruitur is in veris quae sunt fidei, et tenetur tunc a Domino in affectione veri; bonum fidei, quod est charitas erga proximum, simul insinuatur ei, sed ita ut vix id sciat, latet enim in affectione veri, et hoc ob finem ut verum quod est fidei, conjungatur bono quod est charitatis; progressu temporis crescit affectio veri quod est fidei, et spectatur verum propter finem, nempe propter bonum, seu quod idem, propter vitam, et hoc magis et magis; sic verum insinuatur bono; quod cum fit, imbuit homo bonum vitae secundum verum quod insinuatum est, et sic {1}agit seu agere sibi videtur ex bono; ante hoc tempus illi principale fuit verum quod est fidei, sed postea fit bonum quod est vitae; [3] hoc cum factum, tunc regeneratus est homo, at regeneratus est secundum quale et quantum veri quod insinuatum bono; et cum verum et bonum unum agunt, secundum quale et quantum boni: {2}ita se habet cum omni regeneratione. Regeneratio fit ob finem ut homo possit recipi in caelum, caelum non est nisi quam conjugium veri et boni, ac boni et veri, videatur n. 2508, 2618, 2728, 2729; nisi conjugium veri et boni apud hominem formetur, non potest ille esse in conjugio caelesti, hoc est, in caelo. @1 agere I$ @2 sic$

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