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属天的奥秘 第3055节


3055、“在城外”表示从教义事物中移除。这从“城”的含义清楚可知:“城”是指教义(参看402, 2449节);由此明显可知,“在城外”表示在教义事物之外,因而表示从教义事物中移除它们。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3055

3055. Without the city. That this signifies removal from doctrinal things, is evident from the signification of a "city," as being doctrine (see n. 402, 2449); thus "without the city" evidently means outside of doctrinal things; thus removal from them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3055

3055. 'Outside and away from the city' means removed from matters of doctrine. This is clear from the meaning of 'the city' as doctrine, dealt with in 402, 2449, from which it is evident that 'outside the city' means outside of, thus removed from, matters of doctrine.

3055a 'Near a well of water' means to receive the truths of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'a well of water' as the Word, the source of the truth of faith, and also truth itself, dealt with in 2702. The phrase 'a well of water' is used in this verse, but 'a spring' in all that follows; and for the difference between the two in the internal sense - between 'a well of water' and 'a spring' see the paragraph just referred to.

Latin(1748-1756) 3055

3055. `Ab extra urbem': quod significet remotionem a doctrinalibus, constat a significatione `urbis' quod sit doctrinale, de qua n. 402, 2449; `extra quam' quod sit extra doctrinalia, ita remotio ab illis, patet.

{1}3055a. `Ad puteum aquarum': quod significet ad recipienda vera fidei, constat a significatione `putei aquarum' quod sit Verbum, ex quo verum fidei, tum quoque ipsum verum, de quo n. 2702; hic `puteus aquarum' dicitur, in sequentibus autem passim `fons'; quae differentia sit in sensu interno, cum `puteus' aquarum, et cum `fons,' nominatur, in loco citato videatur.] @1 In A this paragraph numbered 3056 is deleted and at the foot is written `Gadt forbi' (missed out). The nos. 3057-3060 are altered to 3056-3059.$

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