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属天的奥秘 第3123节


3123、“至于我,在路上”表示处于真理与理性层的良善结合的一种状态。这从“路”的含义清楚可知,“路”是指真理(参看627, 2333节)。“在路上”在此表示真理与理性层的良善的结合,因为这就是本章论述的主题(参看3012, 3013节)。当某人正在朝他想去的地方取得进展时,就说他“在路上”。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3123

3123. I being in the way. That this signifies in a state of the conjunction of truth with good in the rational, is evident from the signification of a "way," as being truth (see above, n. 627, 2333). That "in the way" here denotes the conjunction of truth with good in the rational, is because this is the subject treated of in this chapter (see n. 3012, 3013); for one is said to be "in the way" when he is making progress toward the place to which he intends to go.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3123

3123. 'As for me, being on the way' means within a state of truth joined to good in the Rational. This is clear from the meaning of 'the way' as truth, dealt with in 627, 2333, here 'on the way' as the joining of truth to good within the Rational, for this is the subject in this chapter, see 3012, 3013. For someone is said to be 'on his way' when he makes progress in the direction he intends to go.

Latin(1748-1756) 3123

3123. Quod `ego in via' significet quod in statu conjunctionis veri cum bono in rationali, constat a significatione `viae' quod sit verum, de qua n. 627, 2333; hic `in via,' quod sit conjunctio veri cum bono in rationali, quia in hoc capite de illa re agitur, videatur n. 3012, 3013; tunc enim dicitur aliquis esse in via, cum illuc quo intendit, {1}progreditur. @1 i quis$

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