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属天的奥秘 第3124节


3124、“耶和华引领我,直到我主人的兄弟家里”表示(被引领)到真理之良善那里,或说作为真理源头的良善那里。这从“兄弟家”的含义清楚可知,“利百加”所来自的“兄弟家”是指真理所来自的良善。“兄弟家”表示良善,在此表示真理所来自的良善,这从“家”和“兄弟”的含义明显看出来:“家”是指良善(参看2233, 2234, 2559节);“兄弟”是指由利百加代表的真理所来自的那良善的源头。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3124

3124. Jehovah hath led me to the house of my lord's brethren. That this signifies to the good of truth, is evident from the signification of the "house of the brethren," of which was Rebekah, as being the good from which is the truth. That the "house of the brethren" is good, here the good from which is the truth, is evident from the signification of a "house," as being good (see n. 2233, 2234, 2559); and of "brethren," as being the origin of that good from which is the truth represented by Rebekah.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3124

3124. 'Jehovah has led me to the house of my master's brethren' means to good, the source of truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'brethren's house' from which Rebekah came, as good from which truth springs. For 'the house of the brethren' means good, here the good from which truth springs, as is clear from the meaning of 'a house' as good, dealt with in 2233, 2234, 2559, and of 'brethren' as the source of that good from which truth springs, represented by Rebekah.

Latin(1748-1756) 3124

3124. Quod `duxit me Jehovah domum fratrum domini mei' significet quod ad bonum veri, constat a significatione `(t)fratrum domus,' ex qua Rebecca, quod sit bonum ex quo verum: quod `domus fratrum' sit bonum, hic ex quo verum, constat a significatione `domus' quod sit bonum, de qua n. 2233, 2234, 2559; et `fratrum' quod sit unde {1}id bonum ex quo verum, quod per Rebeccam repraesentatur. @1 hoc$

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