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属天的奥秘 第3125节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3125

3125. The foregoing verses treat of the exploration of the truth which was to be conjoined with good in the rational, in regard to innocence, to charity, and to origin. For inasmuch as the Lord, by His own proper power, made His rational Divine in respect to truth as well as in respect to good, He therefore explored the truth which He conjoined with good. But with men, truth is never conjoined with good by their own power, but by the power of the Lord; which may be seen from the fact that all good and truth flow in from the Lord, and that all reformation and regeneration are from the Lord, and that man does not know one whit of how he is regenerated. At the present day he does not even know that he is regenerated by truth and good, still less that truth is initiated and conjoined with good, and that this is effected as by exploration, that is, most exactly. These two verses treat of perception in regard to the quality of truth, and whence it was; and at the same time of joy because of it. Therefore in what now follows the initiation is treated of.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3125

3125. Previous verses dealt with the investigation of truth that was to be joined to good in the Rational, as regards its innocence, charity, and origin. For since by His own power the Lord made His Rational Divine as regards good as well as regards truth, He consequently investigated the truth which He joined to good. With men however truth is never joined to good by means of their own power but by means of the Lord's. This becomes evident from the considerations that all good and truth flow in from the Lord, that the whole of reformation and regeneration is from Him, and that man does not know at all how he is being regenerated. At the present day man does not even know that he is regenerated by means of truth and good, let alone that truth is introduced into and joined to good, and that this is effected so to speak by investigation, that is, with very great precision. These two verses have dealt with perception of the nature and origin of truth, and at the same time with joy on that account. What follows next therefore deals with the introduction.

Latin(1748-1756) 3125

3125. In illis quae praecedunt, actum est de exploratione veri quod conjungendum bono in rationali, quoad innocentiam, quoad charitatem, et quoad originem; nam quoniam Dominus Suum Rationale ex propria potentia Divinum fecit, sicut quoad bonum ita quoad verum, idcirco Ipse exploravit verum, quod conjunxit bono: apud homines autem verum conjungitur bono nusquam ex propria, sed ex Domini potentia; quod evidens (t)potest esse ex eo quod omne bonum et verum influat a Domino, quodque omnis reformatio et regeneratio sit a Domino, et quod homo ne hilum sciat quomodo regeneratur; `hodie ne quidem' quod regeneretur per (t)verum et bonum, minus quod bono initietur et conjungatur verum, et hoc fiat quasi exploratione, hoc est, exactissime: in his binis versibus actum est de perceptione, quale et unde esset verum, et simul de gaudio propter id; ideo in nunc sequentibus agitur de initiatione.

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