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属天的奥秘 第3177节


3177、“耶和华使我的道路通达”表示现在一切事物都已经被提供了。这是显而易见的,无需解释,因为“耶和华使道路通达”表示祂提供,在此提供的是要与良善结合的真理;“道路”表示真理(627, 2333节)。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3177

3177. Jehovah hath prospered my way. That this signifies that all things were now provided, is evident without explication; for that "Jehovah prospers the way" signifies that He provides here, as to the truth which was to be conjoined with good; for by "way" is signified truth (n. 627, 2333).

Elliott(1983-1999) 3177

3177. 'Jehovah has prospered my way' means that all things had now been provided. This becomes clear without explanation, for the words 'Jehovah prospers the way' mean that He provides, here as regards truth which was to be joined to good -'way' meaning truth, 627, 2333.

Latin(1748-1756) 3177

3177. Quod `Jehovah prosperavit viam meam' significet quod omnia nunc provisa, constare potest absque explicatione; quod enim `Jehovah prosperet viam' est quod provideat, hic quoad verum, quod conjungendum bono, nam per `viam' significatur verum n. 627, 2333.

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