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属天的奥秘 第3176节


3176、“几天,至少十天,然后你们可以去”表示在他们看来,离开的时机似乎成熟的状态。这从“天”、“十”和“去”的含义清楚可知:“天”是指状态(参看23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788节);“十”是指完全或完整(参看1988, 3107节),在此是指在属世人看来是完全或成熟的;“去”是指离开。由此明显可知,“几天,至少十天,然后你们可以去”表示在他们看来,离开的时机似乎成熟的状态。这就是为何接下来经上说“仆人对他们说,请不要耽误我”,这句话表示对良善的情感的意愿。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3176

3176. Days, at least ten, afterwards thou shalt go. That this signifies the state for departure appearing to them full, is evident from the signification of "day," as being state (see n. 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788); and from the signification of "ten," as being what is full (see n. 1988, 3107); here, appearing full to the natural; and from the signification of "going," as being to depart. From this it is evident that "days, at least ten, afterwards thou shalt go," signifies the state for departure appearing to them full; wherefore it now follows, "he said to them, do not delay me," by which is signified the "will" of the affection of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3176

3176. 'A week or ten days; after that you will go' means a state of departure, which was seen by them as a complete state. This is clear from the meaning of 'day' as state, dealt with in 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788, from the meaning of 'ten' as that which is complete, dealt with in 1988, 3107, here that seen by the natural man, as that which is complete, and from the meaning of 'going' as departing. From this it is evident that 'a week or ten days; after that you will go' means a state of departure which was seen by them as a complete state. This is why the words 'he said to them, Do not delay me' come immediately after, by which the will of the affection for good is meant.

Latin(1748-1756) 3176

3176. `Dies aut decem, post ibis': quod significet statum discessionis illis apparentem plenum, constat (c)ex significatione `diei' quod sit status, de qua n. 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788; a significatione `decem' quod sit plenum, de qua n. 1988, 3107; hic plenum apparens {1}naturali; et ex significatione `ire' quod sit discedere; inde patet quod `dies aut decem, post ibis' significet statum discessionis illis apparentem plenum; quare nunc {2}sequitur `dixit ad illos, Ne moremini me,' quo significatur affectionis boni voluntas. @ i quia$ @ sequitur affectionis boni voluntas, quae significatur per illa verba `dixit ad illos, ne moremini me'.$

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