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属天的奥秘 第3405节


3405、“那一年收获百倍”表示丰盛。这从“年”、“百”和“倍”的含义清楚可知:“年”是指正在讨论的整个状态(487, 488, 493, 893节);“百”是指大量而完全(2636节);“倍”(measure)是指一个事物在真理方面的状态(3104节)。将这一切合成一体就表示真理的丰盛。就至高意义而言,和别处一样,此处论述的主题是主;也就是说,当主处于来自母亲的人身或人性时,祂也受制于真理的表象;但祂脱去了这人身或人性,故也脱去了这些表象,并披上无限和永恒的神性本身。就内义或相对意义而言,主题是存在于天使当中的一个较高层级的表象,如前所述;这些表象的丰盛由“那一年收获百倍”来表示。
至于真理的表象,或来自神性的真理,情况是这样:属于较高层级的表象,在丰盛和完美上都无限超越属于较低层级的表象。因为那些处于一个较高层级的人所清楚感知到的成千上万、甚至无数事物,在那些处于一个较低层级的人看来,仅仅是一个整体;较低事物只是由较高事物构成的一个复合整体。这一点从人类的两种记忆可以推断出来:其中内部记忆因在一个较高层级,故无限优于在一个较低层级的外部记忆(2473, 2474节)。由此可见天使的智慧与世人的相比,是何等的大。事实上,第三层天堂的天使住在世人之上的第四个层级;因此,关于这种智慧,只能说它是无法理解的,甚至是难以描述的。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3405

3405. And found in that year a hundred measures. That this signifies abundance, is evident from the signification of "year," as being the entire state that is treated of (n. 487, 488, 493, 893); from the signification of a "hundred," as being much and full (n. 2636); and from the signification of "measure," as being the state of a thing as to truth (n. 3104). All these things collected into a one signify the abundance of truth. In the supreme sense here, as everywhere, the subject treated of is the Lord-that He too when in the maternal human was in appearances of truth; but that as He put off this human, He put off the appearances also, and put on the infinite and eternal Divine Itself. But in the internal or relative sense the subject is appearances of a higher degree which exist with the angels, as above stated, the abundance of which is signified by the finding in that year of a hundred measures. With appearances of truth, or with truths from the Divine, the case is that such as are of a higher degree immeasurably surpass those which are in a lower degree, both in abundance and in perfection; for myriads, nay myriads of myriads of things which are distinctively perceived by those who are in a higher degree, appear only as one thing to those who are in a lower degree; for lower things are nothing but the composites of higher things, as may be inferred from the memories in man, the interior of which, because in a higher degree, so immeasurably excels the exterior one which is in a lower degree (n. 2473, 2474). From this we can see how great is the angelic wisdom in comparison with that of man; the angels of the third heaven being in the fourth degree above man; concerning which wisdom therefore nothing can be told except that it is incomprehensible, nay, ineffable.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3405

3405. 'And he reaped in that year a hundred measures' means an abundance. This is clear from the meaning of 'a year' as the entire state of that which is being discussed, dealt with in 487, 488, 493, 893; from the meaning of 'a hundred' as that which is much and complete, dealt with in 2636; and from the meaning of 'a measure' as the state of a thing in regard to truth, dealt with in 3104. Taken all together these expressions mean an abundance of truth. In the highest sense the subject here, as everywhere else, is the Lord. That is, even He, when in the human from the mother, was subject to appearances of truth; but He cast off that human, and the appearances too, and assumed the Infinite and eternal Divine itself.

[2] But in the internal or relative sense the subject is the appearances that belong to the higher degree, which, as has been stated, exist with angels; and it is the abundance of these appearances that is meant by the words 'he reaped in that year a hundred measures'. Thus the situation with the appearances of truth, or truths that come from the Divine, is that those belonging to the higher degree are immensely superior in their abundance and perfection to those that belong to the lower degree. For millions, indeed millions of millions, of things which beings on the higher degree perceive distinctly and separately appear as no more than a single whole with those on the lower degree; for the lower things are simply compound wholes made up of those things that are higher. This may be deduced from the two memories present in man, of which the interior memory, being on the higher degree, is immensely superior to the exterior which belongs to the lower degree, see 2473, 2674. This shows what wisdom angels enjoy in comparison with men. Indeed angels of the third heaven dwell in a fourth degree above man, and therefore, when shown to man, that wisdom can only be referred to as that which is above comprehension, indeed as that which defies description.

Latin(1748-1756) 3405

3405. `Et invenit in anno illo centum mensuras': quod significet abundantiam, constat ex significatione `anni' quod sit integer status de quo agitur, de qua n. 487, 488, 493, 893; ex significatione `centum' quod sit multum ac plenum, de qua n. 2636; et a significatione `mensurae' quod sit status rei quoad verum, de qua n. 3104; {1}haec in unum collata significant abundantiam veri. In supremo sensu agitur hic, ut in reliquis, de Domino, nempe quod etiam Ipse in veri apparentiis, cum in humano materno, {2}fuerit, sed quod, sicut illud humanum, etiam apparentias, exuerit, ac Ipsum Divinum Infinitum ac Aeternam induerit: [2] sed in sensu interno seu respectivo agitur dei apparentiis superioris gradus, quae apud angelos, ut dictum, quarum abundantia significatur per quod `invenerit in anno illo centum mensuras'; se habet ita cum veri apparentiis, seu cum veris quae (c)a Divino, quod quae superioris gradus sunt, excedant illas quae in inferiore gradu sunt, abundantia et perfectione immensum, nam myriades immo myriades myriadum rerum, quae distincte percipiuntur ab illis qui in superiore gradu, modo ut unum apparent apud illos qui in inferiore; sunt enim inferiora non nisi {3}composita superiorum; (m)ut concludi potest a memoriis apud hominem, quarum interior, quia in superiore gradu, {4}tam immensum excellet prae exteriore quae in inferiore gradu, videatur n. 2473, 2474.(n) Inde constare potest in qua sapientia sunt angeli prae homine, angeli {5}etiam tertii caeli sunt in quarto gradu supra hominem, de qua sapientia ideo coram homine non nisi quam incomprehensibile, immo ineffabile praedicari potest. @1 quae$ @2 fuisset$ @3 i quam$ @4 quod tantum excelleat (but d the a)$ @5 enim$

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