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属天的奥秘 第3580节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3580

3580. And a multitude of corn. That this signifies the derivative natural good, and that "new wine" signifies the derivative natural truth, is evident from the signification of "corn," as being good; and from the signification of "new wine," as being truth; which when predicated of the natural signify natural good and truth, and then "bread and wine" are predicated of the rational. (That "bread" is celestial good, see above, n. 276, 680, 1798, 2165, 2177, 3464, 3478; and that "wine" is what is spiritual, thus truth from good, n. 1071, 1798.) [2] That "corn and new wine" have this signification, may be seen also from the following passages in the Word. In Haggai:

The heavens are closed from dew, and the earth is closed from her produce. And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine; and upon that which the ground bringeth forth (Hag. 1:10-11);

where "drought" denotes a lack of dew and of rain, thus a lack of truth derived from any good; "drought upon the corn" is a lack of good and "drought upon the new wine" is a lack of truth. In Moses:

Israel shall dwell securely, alone at the fountain of Jacob in a land of corn and new wine; yea, his heavens shall drop down dew (Deut. 33:28);

"alone" denotes those who are not infested by evils and falsities (n. 139, 471); a "land of corn and new wine" denotes the good and truth of the church. [3] In Hosea:

I will be as the dew unto Israel; he shall bud forth as the lily, and shall fix his roots as Lebanon; his branches shall go forth, and his honor shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon; they that dwell under his shadow shall return; they shall vivify the corn, and blossom as the vine; his memory shall be as the wine of Lebanon (Hos. 14:5-7);

where "corn" denotes spiritual good and wine," spiritual truth. In Isaiah:

The curse shall devour the earth. The new wine shall mourn, the vine shall languish, all the glad of heart shall sigh (Isa. 24:6-7);

where the vastation of the spiritual church is treated of; the "new wine mourning" denotes that truth shall cease. [4] In Jeremiah:

Jehovah hath redeemed Jacob. And they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together unto the goodness of Jehovah, to the corn and to the new wine, and to the oil, and to the sons of the flock and of the herd (Jer. 31:11-12);

the "corn and new wine" denote good and the derivative truth; "oil," the good from which they come, and which is from them; "the sons of the flock and of the herd," the truth which thus comes therefrom; and as these things have such a signification, they are called "the goodness of Jehovah." [5] In Hosea:

She did not know that I gave her the corn, and the new wine, and the oil, and multiplied unto her silver and gold which they made for Baal. Therefore will I return and take away My corn and My new wine in their appointed season, and I will pluck away My wool and My flax (Hos. 2:8-9);

where the church perverted is treated of; and it is manifest that by "corn" is not meant corn; nor by "new wine," new wine; neither by "oil," "silver," "gold," "wool," and "flax," are such things meant, but those which are spiritual; that is, those of good and truth. [6] In like manner where a new church is treated of, in the same Prophet:

I will betroth thee unto Me in faithfulness and thou shalt know Jehovah. And it shall come to pass in that day that I will hearken to the heavens; and these shall hearken to the earth; and the earth shall hearken to the corn, and the new wine, and the oil; and these shall hearken to Jezreel (Hos. 2:20-22);

where "Jezreel" denotes a new church. In Joel:

Awake ye drunkards and weep, and howl all ye drinkers of wine, because of the new wine, for it is cut off from your mouth. The field is wasted, the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted, the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth (Joel 1:5, 10). [7] Again:

Rejoice ye sons of Zion, and be glad in Jehovah your God; for He hath given you the early rain for righteousness; and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the early rain and the latter rain in the first. And the floors shall be filled with pure corn, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil (Joel 2:23-24). Again in the same Prophet:

And it shall come to pass in that day that the mountains shall drop down sweet wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the brooks of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall go forth out of the house of Jehovah (Joel 3:18);

where the Lord's kingdom is treated of; and by "sweet wine," by "milk," and by "waters," are signified spiritual things whose abundance is thus described. [8] In Zechariah:

Jehovah their God shall save them in that day as the flock of His people. For how great is His goodness! and how great is His beauty! corn shall make the young men to flourish, and new wine the virgins (Zech. 9:16-17). In David:

Thou dost visit the earth, and delightest in it; Thou greatly enrichest it; the stream of God is full of waters; Thou preparest them corn; the meadows are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing (Ps. 65:9, 13). From all this we can see what is signified by "corn and new wine."

Elliott(1983-1999) 3580

3580. 'And abundance of grain' means natural good from this, 'and of new wine' means natural truth from the same. This is clear from the meaning of 'grain' as good, and from the meaning of 'new wine' as truth. When these two are used in reference to the natural they mean natural good and truth, but when they are used in reference to the rational they are 'bread and wine' - 'bread' being celestial good, see 276, 680, 1798, 2165, 2177, 3464, 3478, and 'wine' that which is spiritual, namely truth deriving from good, 1071, 1798. These meanings of 'grain' and 'wine' may also be seen from the following places in the Word: In Haggai,

The heavens have withheld their dew, and the earth has withheld its increase. And I have called for a drought over the land, and over the mountains, and over the grain, and over the new wine, and over that which the earth brings forth. Hagg 1:10, 11.

Here 'a drought' stands for a lack of dew and rain, and so for a lack of truth deriving from any good. 'A drought over the grain' is the lack of good, and 'a drought over the new wine' the lack of truth.

[2] In Moses,

Israel will dwell securely, alone at Jacob's spring, in a land of grain and new wine; and his heavens will distill dew. Deut 33:28.

'Alone' stands for those who are not infested by evils and falsities, 139, 471. 'A land of grain and new wine' stands for the good and truth of the Church. In Hosea,

I will be as the dew to Israel, he will blossoma as the lily, and strike root like Lebanon. His branches will go out, and his beauty will be like the olive, and his odour like that of Lebanon. Those dwelling in its shadow will turn back, they will quicken the grain and will blossom as the vine; the memory of it will be as the wine of Lebanon. Hosea 14:5-7.

Here 'the grain' stands for spiritual good, 'the wine' for spiritual truth In Isaiah,

A curse will consume the earth. The new wine will mourn, the vine will languish; all the merry-hearted will sigh. Isa 24:6, 7.

This refers to the vastation of the spiritual Church. 'The new wine will mourn' stands for the fact that truth will come to an end.

[3] In Jeremiah,

Jehovah has redeemed Jacob. They will come and sing on the height of Zion, and they will converge towards the goodness of Jehovah. towards the grain, and towards the new wine, and towards the oil, and towards the youngb of the flock and of the herd. Jer 31:11, 12.

'The grain' and 'the new wine' stand for good and for truth derived from good, 'the oil' for the good which is both a producer and a product of these, 'the young of the flock and of the herd' for the truth which is acquired in this manner. This being the meaning of those things they are called 'the goodness of Jehovah'. In Hosea,

She did not know that it was I who gave her the grain and the new wine and the oil, and who multiplied the silver and the gold which they made for Baal. Therefore I will return and take back My grain and My new wine in its season, and I will snatch away My wool and My flax. Hosea 2:8, 9.

This refers to the Church when perverted, and it is evident that 'grain' is not used to mean grain, nor 'new wine' new wine, nor yet oil, silver, gold, wool, and flax to mean such material things. Rather, spiritual things are meant, that is, those which consist in what is good and true.

Something similar is the case where in the same prophet a new Church is dealt with,

I will betroth you to Me in faith, and you will know Jehovah. And it will be on that day, that I shall hear the heavens, and they will hear the earth, and the earth will hear the grain, and the new wine, and the oil, and these will hear Jezreel. Hosea 2:20-22.

'Jezreel' stands for a new Church. In Joel,

Awake, you drunkards, and weep; and wail, all you drinkers of wine, because of the new wine that has been cut off from your mouth. The field has been laid waste, the land is mourning because the grain has been laid waste; the new wine has dried up, the oil languishes. Joel 1:5, 10.

[4] In the same prophet,

Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in Jehovah your God, for He has given you the morning rain for righteousness, and will cause the morning and the evening rain to come down on you in the first [month]. And the threshing-floors will be full of perfect grain, and the presses will overflow with new wine and oil. Joel 2:23, 24.

In the same prophet,

It will happen on that day, that the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills will flow with milk, and all the streams of Judah will flow with water, and a spring will come forth from the house of Jehovah. Joel 3:18.

This refers to the Lord's kingdom, it being spiritual things that are meant by 'new wine', 'milk', and 'water', the abundance of which is being described in this fashion. In Zechariah,

Jehovah their God will serve them on that day, as a flock His people. For how great is his goodness, and how great his beauty! Grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine the virgins. Zech 9:16, 17.

In David,

You visit the earth and delight in it; You greatly enrich it; the stream of God is full of water; You prepare their grain. The meadows clothe themselves with flocks, and the valleys are covered over with grain; let them clap their hands, let them also sing. Ps 65:9, 13

From all these places it is now evident what 'grain' is and what 'new wine' is.


a lit. sprout
b lit. the sons

Latin(1748-1756) 3580

3580. `Et multitudinem frumenti': quod significet inde bonum naturale; `et musti' quod significet inde verum naturale, constat ex significatione `frumenti' quod sit bonum, et ex significatione `musti' quod sit verum; quae cum praedicantur de naturali, significant illa bonum et verum naturale, et tunc praedicantur de rationali `panis et vinum,' `panis' quod sit caeleste bonum, videatur n. 276, 680, 1798, 2165, 2177, 3464, 3478; et quod `vinum' sit spirituale, ita verum ex bono, n. 1071, 1798. Quod frumentum et mustum illa significent, constare quoque potest ab his locis in Verbo; apud Haggaeum, Clausi sunt caeli a rore, et terra clausa est a proventu suo, et vocavi siccitatem super terram, et super montes, et super frumentum, et super mustum, ...et super quod educit terra, i 10, 11;

{1}ibi `siccitas' pro defectu roris et pluviae, ita pro defectu veri ex aliquo bono; `siccitas super frumentum' est defectus boni, et `siccitas super mustum' est defectus veri: [2] apud Mosen, Habitabit Israel secure, solitarius ad fontem Jacobi, in terra frumenti et musti, et caeli ejus stillabunt rorem, Deut. xxxiii 28; `solitarius' pro illis qui non infestantur a malis et falsis, n. 139, 471; `terra frumenti et musti' pro Ecclesiae bono et vero: apud Hosheam, Ero sicut ros Israeli, germinabit sicut lilium, et figet radices suas sicut Libanon; ibunt rami ejus, et erit sicut oliva honor ejus, et odor illi sicut Libani; revertentur habitantes in umbra ejus, vivificabunt frumentum, et efflorebunt sicut vitis, memoria ejus sicut vinum Libani, xiv 6-8 [A.V. 5-7]; ubi `frumentum' pro bono spirituali, `vinum' pro vero spirituali: apud Esaiam, Maledictio comedet terram,... lugebit mustum, languebit vitis, gement omnes laeti corde, xxiv 6, 7;

ibi de vastatione Ecclesiae spiritualis; `lugebit mustum' pro quod cessabit verum: [3] apud Jeremiam, Redemit Jehovah Jacobum,... venient et canent in altitudine Zionis, et confluent ad bonum Jehovae, ad frumentum et ad mustum, et ad oleum, et ad filios gregis et armenti, xxxi 11, 12; `frumentum et mustum' pro bono et inde vero, `oleum' pro bono ex quo illa, et quod ex illis, `filii gregis et armenti' pro vero quod sic inde; quae quia illa significant, vocantur `bonum Jehovae': apud Hosheam, Illa non novit, quod Ego dederim illi frumentum et mustum et oleum; et argentum multiplicaverim et aurum quod fecerunt baali, propterea revertar, et accipiam frumentum meum et mustum meum in tempore stato suo, et eripiam lanam meam et linum meum, ii 8, 9;

ibi de Ecclesia perversa; et patet quod per `frumentum' non significetur frumentum, nec mustum per `mustum,' et quoque per `oleum, argentum, aurum, lanam et linum,' quod non talia, sed quae spiritualia sunt, {2}hoc est, boni et veri; similiter ubi agitur de nova Ecclesia apud eundem, Desponsabo te Mihi in fide, et cognosces Jehovam, et erit in die illo audiam caelos, et hi audient terram, et terra audiet frumentum et mustum, et oleum, et haec audient Jizreelem, ii 20-22;

`Jizreel' pro nova Ecclesia: apud Joelem, Expergiscimini ebrii et flete, et ejulate omnes potantes vinum, propter mustum quod excisum est ex ore vestro;... devastatus est ager, luget terra, quia devastatum est frumentum, exaruit mustum, languet oleum, i 5, 10: 4 apud eundem, Filii Zionis gaudete, et laetamini in Jehovah Deo vestro, quia dedit vobis pluviam matutinam in justitiam, et descendere faciet vobis pluviam matutinam et serotinam in primo, et implebuntur areae frumento puro, et exundabunt torcularia mustum et oleum, ii 23, 24 apud eundem, Fiet in die illo, stillabunt montes mustum, et colles fluent lacte, et omnes rivi Jehudae fluent aquis, et fons e domo Jehovae exibit, iv [A.V. iii] 18;

ibi de regno Domini; sunt spiritualia quae per `mustum,' per `lac,' et per `aquas' significantur, quorum abundantia ita describitur: apud Zachariam, Servabit illos Jehovah Deus illorum in die illo, sicut gregem populum Suum,... quia quanta bonitas ejus, et quanta pulchritudo ejus, frumentum juvenes, et mustum germinare faciet virgines, ix 16, 17:

apud Davidem, Visitas terram, et {3}delectaris ea, valde ditas eam, rivus Dei plenus aquis, praeparas frumentum eorum,... induunt prata gregem, et valles operiuntur frumento; plaudant etiam cantent, Ps. lxv 10, 14 [A.V. 9, 13];

inde nunc patet quid frumentum et mustum. @1 ubi$ @2 seu$ @3 so Sch. Heb. also means `causest to overflow'$

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