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属天的奥秘 第4079节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4079

4079. If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy reward, then all the flock bore speckled. That this signifies His freedom, and that in His freedom those things were taken by the Lord, even to evils adjoined to the goods, is evident from the state of the matter in the internal sense, which is that He had freedom to change the reward, and thus that in His freedom those things were taken. That these were taken even to evils that were adjoined to the goods, is evident from the signification of the "speckled," as being goods with which evils are mingled (see n. 3993, 3995, 4005).

Elliott(1983-1999) 4079

4079. 'If he said thus: The speckled will be your wages, then all the flocks bore speckled' means His freedom, and that in His freedom the Lord adopted those things - even evils that were linked to the goods. This is clear from the state of the matter in the internal sense, which is that He had the freedom to change the wages, and in so doing that in His freedom He adopted those things. That even evils linked to the goods are meant is clear from the meaning of 'the speckled' as good with which evils have been mingled, dealt with in 3993, 3995, 4005.

Latin(1748-1756) 4079

4079. `Si sic dicebat, Punctata erit merces tua, et pepererunt omnes greges punctata': quod significet liberum Ejus, et quod ii libero Ejus sumerentur illa a Domino, haec quoad mala adjuncta bonis, constat ex statu rei in sensu interno, qui est liberum Ei fuerit constat ex statu rei in sensu interno, qui est quod mutare mercedem, et sic quod in libero Ejus desumpta sint illa; quod haec quoad mala adjuncta bonis, constat ex significatione `punctatorum' quod sint bona cum quibus mixta mala, de qua n. 3993, 3995, 4005.

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