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属天的奥秘 第4099节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4099

4099. And devouring hath also devoured our silver. That this signifies that it would consume the truth of those affections if they were not separated, is evident from the signification of "devouring," as being to consume; and from the signification of "silver," as being truth (see n. 1551, 2954). It is evident that "our silver" denotes the truth of those affections, for as often before shown, the affections of truth are represented by Rachel and Leah. What these things involve cannot be known, unless it is known how the case is with the goods and truths which are insinuated by means of a mediate good, or unless it is known of what nature are the societies of spirits which serve as mediate good. The societies of spirits which serve as mediate good are those which are in worldly things; but the societies of angels which serve for introducing the affections of truth are not in worldly but in heavenly things. [2] These two kinds of societies are in action about a man who is being regenerated; and insofar as he is initiated by the angels into heavenly things, so far are the spirits who are in worldly things removed; and unless they are removed, truths are dissipated. For worldly things and heavenly things are in agreement in man when heavenly things rule over worldly ones; but they are in disagreement when worldly things rule over heavenly things. When they are in agreement, truths are multiplied in the man's natural; but when they are in disagreement truths are diminished, and even consumed, because worldly things darken heavenly things, and so consequently place them in doubt; but when heavenly things have rule, they throw light upon worldly things, and place them in clear light, and dispel doubts. Those things rule which are loved above all others. All this shows what is meant by the truth of affections being consumed if these were not separated; which is signified by "devouring he hath also devoured our silver."

Elliott(1983-1999) 4099

4099. 'And also completely consumed our money' means it would destroy the truth belonging to those affections if they were not separated. This is clear from the meaning of 'consuming' as destroying, and from the meaning of 'money' or 'silver' as truth, dealt with in 1551, 2954. 'Our money' clearly means the truth belonging to those affections since 'Rachel' and 'Leah' represent affections for truth, as shown in various places already. No one can know what is implied in all this unless he knows about the implanting of goods and truths by means of intermediate good, that is, unless he knows the nature of those communities of spirits which serve as intermediate good. Communities of spirits which serve as intermediate good are interested in worldly things, whereas communities of angels which serve to introduce affections for truth are not interested in worldly things but in heavenly ones.

[2] These two types of communities are present with and active in a person who is being regenerated. To the extent he is introduced into heavenly things through the angels, the spirits who are interested in worldly things are removed. And if they are not removed truths are dispersed, for worldly things and heavenly things accord with one another in a person when the heavenly have dominion over the worldly, but they do not accord when the worldly have dominion over the heavenly. When they accord, truths within man's natural are in that case multiplied, but when they do not accord, they decrease in number, indeed they are destroyed since worldly things darken heavenly ones, and so make them subject to doubt. But when heavenly things have dominion they shed light on worldly ones, set them in clear light and dispel doubts. Those things have dominion that are loved more than anything else. From this one may see what is meant by the statement about the destruction of the truth belonging to affections if they were not separated, meant by 'he has completely consumed our money'.

Latin(1748-1756) 4099

4099. `Et comedit etiam comedendo argentum nostrum': quod significet verum illarum affectionum quod consumeret si non separarentur, constat a significatione `comedere' quod sit consumere; et a significatione `argenti' quod sit verum, de qua n. 1551, 2954; argentum nostrum' quod sit verum illarum affectionum, patet, per `Rachelem' enim et `Leam' repraesentantur affectiones veri, ut prius passim ostensum. Quid haec involvunt, nec sciri potest nisi sciatur quomodo se habet cum bonis et veris quae insinuantur per bonum medium, seu nisi sciatur quales sunt societates spirituum quae inserviunt pro bono medio; societates spirituum quae inserviunt pro bono medio, illae in mundanis sunt, at societates angelorum {1} quae inserviunt pro introducendis affectionibus veri, non in mundanis sed in caelestibus sunt; [2] hae binae societates agunt apud hominem qui regeneratur; quantum homo initiatur in caelestia per angelos, tantum removentur spiritus qui in mundanis sunt, et nisi removentur, dissipantur vera: mundana enim et caelestia concordant apud hominem quando caelestia dominantur super mundana; at discordant quando mundana dominantur super caelestia; quando concordant, tunc multiplicantur vera in naturali hominis; at quando discordant, tunc diminuuntur, immo consumuntur, quia mundana obfuscant caelestia, proinde ponunt illa in dubio; at caelestia cum dominium habent, illustrant mundana, prae altero amantur: ex his constare potest quid intelligitur per quod verum affectionum consumeret si non separarentur, quae significantur per `comedit comedendo argentum nostrum. @1 i quae etiam adjunctae$

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