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属天的奥秘 第4101节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4101

4101. And now all that God hath said unto thee, do. That this signifies the Lord's providence, is evident from the signification of "doing all that God hath said," as being to obey; but when predicated of the Lord, it signifies to provide; for He does not act from another, but from Himself; neither does God say to Himself that He should "do;" but He says, that is, acts, from Himself.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4101

4101. 'And now do everything that God has told you means the Lord's Providence. This is clear from the meaning of 'doing everything God tells' as obeying. But when this phrase is used in reference to the Lord, providing is meant, for He does not act from another but from Himself. Nor is God telling Him to act but He Himself does the telling, that is, He acts from Himself.

Latin(1748-1756) 4101

4101. `Et nunc omne quod dixit Deus ad te, fac': quod significet Providentiam Domini, constat a significatione `omne quod dicit Deus facere' quod sit oboedire; at cum praedicatur de Domino, est providere nam non ab alio facit sed a Se Ipso, nec Deus ad Ipsum dicit ut faciat, sed Ipse dicit, hoc est, facit a Se.

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