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属天的奥秘 第4102节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4102

4102. Verses 17, 18. And Jacob arose, and lifted his sons and his women upon the camels. And he carried away all his acquisition, and all his substance which he had gathered, the acquisition of his purchase, which he had gathered in Paddan-aram, to go to Isaac his father in the land of Canaan. "And Jacob arose," signifies the elevation of the good meant by "Jacob;" "and lifted his sons and his women upon the camels," signifies the elevation of truths and of the affections of them, and their orderly arrangement in generals; "and he carried away all his acquisition and all his substance which he had gathered," signifies the separation of the truth and good derived from what was Laban's; "the acquisition of his purchase," signifies the things acquired by these from other sources; "which he had gathered in Paddan-aram," signifies the knowledges of truth and good in the natural; "to go to Isaac his father in the land of Canaan," signifies in order to be conjoined with the Divine good of the rational, to the intent that His human might be made Divine.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4102

4102. Verses 17, 18 And Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his womenfolk on camels. And he brought away all his cattle and all his substance which he had gathered, the cattlea he had purchased, which he had gathered in Paddan Aram, to come to Isaac his father, to the land of Canaan.

'Jacob rose up' means a raising up of the good meant by 'Jacob'. 'And set his sons and his womenfolk on camels' means a raising up of truths and of affections for these, and the arrangement of them within things that are general. 'And he brought away all his cattle and all his substance which he had gathered' means the separation of truth and good acquired from what belonged to Laban. 'The cattle he had purchased' means the things acquired by these from other sources. 'Which he had gathered in Paddan Aram' means cognitions of truth and good within the natural. 'To come to Isaac his father, to the land of Canaan' means so as to be joined to the Divine Good of the Rational, in order that the Human might be made Divine.


a lit. acquisition

Latin(1748-1756) 4102

4102. Vers. 17, 18. Et surrexit Jacob, et sustulit filios suos et feminas suas, super camelos. Et abduxit omnem acquisitionem suam, et omnem substantiam suam quam comparavit, acquisitionem emptionis suae, quam comparavit in Paddan Aram, ad veniendum ad Jishakum patrem suum terram Canaan. `Surrexit Jacob' significat elevationem boni per Jacobum intellecti: `et sustulit filios suos, et feminas suas, super aamelos' significat elevationem veritatum et affectionum illarum et ordinationem in communibus: `et abduxit omnem acquisitionem suam, et omnem substantiam suam quam comparavit' significat separationem {1} veri et boni a Labanis:

`acquisitionem emptionis suae' significat quae ab illis aliunde:

`quam comparavit in Paddan Aram' significat cognitiones veri et boni in naturali: `ad veniendum a Jishakum patrem suum terram Canaan' significat ad conjungendum Divino Bono Rationalis, ut Humanum Divinum fieret. @1 A had separationem, vero boni et bono per Labanem intellecto, but alters to read thus. N. 4105 i quae sunt after boni.$

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