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属天的奥秘 第4129节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4129

4129. And Laban pitched with his brethren in the mountain of Gilead. That this signifies the state of this good in somewhat of that conjunction, is evident from the representation of Laban, as being the good now separated from the good represented by Jacob; from the signification of "pitching," as being the state of this good (it is not said that he "pitched a tent," because the state referred to was not a state of the holy of love, except by somewhat of that conjunction); from the signification of "brethren," as being the goods with which the good signified by "Laban" had been consociated (see n. 4121); and from the signification of the "mountain of Gilead," as being where there is the first and the last of conjunction (see n. 4117). From this it is manifest that by "Laban pitched with his brethren in the mountain of Gilead," is signified the state of this good in somewhat of that conjunction. What further is involved in the words that have now been explained, cannot be so well set forth to the apprehension, except from the things that happen in the other life, when societies of spirits and angels are adjoined to a man by the Lord, and are separated from him; such being the process of their adjunction and separation, in accordance with the order there existing. The steps of this process have been fully described in this chapter, but as they are wholly unknown to man, to set them forth in detail would be to speak mere arcana, some of which have been already stated, where the subject treated of was the conjunction and the separation of societies with a man in the process of regeneration. Suffice it to know that the arcana of this process are here contained in the internal sense, and that they are so great and of such a nature, that they cannot be fully set forth to the apprehension even as to one thousandth part of them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4129

4129. 'And Laban pitched with his brothers in mount Gilead' means the state of the good existing to some extent in that joining together. This is clear from the representation of 'Laban' as the good now separated from the good represented by 'Jacob'; from the meaning of 'pitching' as the state involving that good (the phrase 'pitching his tent' is not used because it was not a state of holy love except insofar as the two kinds of good were to some extent so joined together); from the meaning of 'brothers' as the forms of good with which the good meant by 'Laban' is grouped together, dealt with above in 4121; and from the meaning of 'mount Gilead' as the first stage and the last of the joining together, dealt with above in 4117. From this it is evident that 'Laban pitched with his brothers on mount Gilead' means the state of the good existing to some extent in that joining together.

[2] Anything more that is embodied within the matters that have now been explained cannot be presented intelligibly in the same way except by reference to the occurrences which take place in the next life when the Lord links communities of spirits and angels to man or separates them from him. The actual process by which they are linked or separated is determined by the order as it exists there. The stages of this process have been described fully in this chapter, but because man has no knowledge of them at all it would be declaring mere arcana if they were to be explained individually. Some have been discussed above where the joining and the separation of communities residing with one who is to be regenerated have been the subject. But it is enough if one knows that the arcana of that process are contained here in the internal sense, so many and of such a nature in fact that not even a thousandth part can be explained fully and intelligibly.

Latin(1748-1756) 4129

4129. `Et Laban fixit cum fratribus suis in monte Gilead' quod significet statum boni in aliquo conjunctionis illius, constat ex repraesentatione `Labanis' quod sit bonum nunc separatum a bono per `Jacobum' repraesentato; a significatione `figere' quod sit status illius boni; non dicitur `figere tentorium' quia non erat status sancti amoris nisi per aliquid conjunctionis illius; ex significatione `fratrum quod sint bona cum quibus bonum per `Labanem' significatum consociatum est {1}, de qua supra n. 4121;

et ex significatione `montis Gilead' quod sit ubi primum et ultimum conjunctionis, de qua supra n. 4117; inde patet quod per `Laban fixit cum fratribus suis in monte Gilead' significetur status boni in aliquo conjunctionis illius. [2] Quid porro haec quae nunc explicata sunt, involvunt, non ita ad captum exponi potest, nisi {2} ab illis quae contingunt in altera vita, quando societates spirituum et angelorum a Domino adjunguntur homini e ab eo separantur; adjunctionis illorum et separationis processus tali est secundum ordinem ibi; momenta illius processus plene hic descripta sunt, sed illa {3} singillatim exponere, quia prorsus ignota sunt homini, foret {4} mera arcana loqui; supra ubi de conjunctione et separatione societatum apud hominem regenerandum actum est, aliqua dicta sunt; sed satis est ut sciatur quod arcana processus illius in sensu interno hic contineantur, et quidem tanta et talia ut non possint quoad millesimam partem plene ad captum exponi. @1 I has consociata sunt, A had consociatum est but alters to consociata sunt$ @2 i nam sunt talia, quae nullus scire potest$ @3 i momenta$ @4 i per$

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