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属天的奥秘 第4130节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4130

4130. Verses 26-30. And Laban said to Jacob, What hast thou done, that thou hast stolen my heart, and hast carried away my daughters as captives of the sword? Wherefore hast thou concealed thyself to flee? and hast stolen me? and hast not told me? And I would have sent thee away with gladness, and with songs, with timbrel, and with harp. And thou hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters; now thou hast acted foolishly. Let my hand be to God to do you evil! And the God of your father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take heed to thyself that thou speak not with Jacob from good even to evil. And now going thou hast gone, because longing thou hast longed toward thy father's house; wherefore hast thou stolen my gods? "And Laban said to Jacob," signifies a state of communication; "What hast thou done," signifies indignation; "that thou hast stolen my heart," signifies that it no longer had Divine good as before; "and hast carried away my daughters," signifies nor the affections of truth as before; "as captives of the sword," signifies that they were taken away from it. "Wherefore hast thou concealed thyself to flee? and hast stolen me? and hast not told me?" signifies the state if the separation had been effected in freedom; "and I would have sent thee away with gladness, and with songs," signifies the state in which from its own it had believed itself to be in respect to truths; "with timbrel and with harp," signifies in respect to spiritual good; "and thou hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters," signifies disjunction in a free state in accordance with the belief of that good; "now thou hast acted foolishly," signifies indignation; "let my hand be to God to do you evil!" signifies a state of indignation if it possessed the power; "and the God of your father spake in to me yesternight," signifies that it was not permitted by the Divine; "saying, Take heed to thyself that thou speak not with Jacob from good even to evil," signifies that communication was forbidden; "and now going thou hast gone," signifies that acting from its own it had separated itself; "because longing thou hast longed toward thy father's house," signifies a longing for conjunction with Divine good that flows in directly; "wherefore hast thou stolen my gods?" signifies indignation on account of a state in which truth had been lost.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4130

4130. Verses 26-30 And Laban said to Jacob, What have you done, that you have stolen my heart,a and carried away my daughters like captives taken with the sword? Why was it that you concealed your flight, and stole from me, and gave me no indication; for I might have sent you away with gladness and with songs, and with drums and with harps? And you have not allowed me to kiss my sons and my daughters; now you have acted foolishly in what you have done. Let my hand be for God to do you evil! And the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, Beware of speaking to Jacob either good or evil. And now you have surely gone, because you longed greatly for your father's house. But why did you steal my gods?

'Laban said to Jacob' means a state of communication. 'What have you done?' means anger. 'That you have stolen my heart' means that it no longer possessed Divine good as it had done previously. 'And carried away my daughters' means that neither did it possess affections for truth as it had done previously. 'Like captives taken with the sword' means that they were taken away from it. 'Why was it that you concealed your flight, and stole from me, and gave me no indication' means the nature of the state if the separation had taken place with its free consent. 'For I might have sent you away with gladness and with songs' means the state in which - thinking from the proprium - it had believed itself to be as regards truths. 'With drums and with harps' means as regards spiritual good. 'And you have not allowed me to kiss my sons and my daughters' means a disjoining in a free state as intermediate good believed it to be. 'Now you have acted foolishly in what you have done' means anger. 'Let my hand be for God to do you evil!' means a state of anger if it did possess the power. 'And the God of your father spoke to me last night' means that the Divine did not allow it. 'Saying, Beware of speaking to Jacob either good or evil' means that communication was forbidden. 'And now you have surely gone' means that, acting from its proprium, it had separated itself. 'Because you longed greatly for your father's house' means a longing to be joined to Divine good flowing in down a direct line. 'But why did you steal my gods?' means anger over its being a state in which truth had been lost.


a i.e. he deceived or outwitted Laban.

Latin(1748-1756) 4130

4130. Vers. 26-30. Et dixit Laban Jacobo, Quid fecisti, et furatus es cor meum, et abduxisti filias meas, sicut captivas gladio? Quare occultasti ad fugiendum, et furatus es me, et non indicasti mihi? et miserim te in laetitia, et in canticis, in tympano, et in cithara. Et non permisisti mihi osculari filios meos, et filias meas, nunc stulte egisti faciendo. Sit Deo manus mea ad faciendum cum vobis malum, et Deus patris vestri nocte praeterita dixit ad me, dicendo, Cave tibi a loquendo cum Jacobo a bono absque ad malum. Et nunc eundo ivisti, quia desiderando desideravisti ad domum patris tui; quare furatus es deos meos? `Dixit Laban Jacobo' significat communicationis statum: `Quid fecisti?' significat indignationem: `et furatus es cor meum significat quod non amplius ei bonum Divinum ut prius: `et abduxisti filias meas' significat quod nec affectiones veri ut prius: `sicut captivas gladio' significat quod ei ablatae: `quare occultasti ad fugiendum, et furatus es me, et non indicasti mihi?' significat statum si ex ejus libero separatio: `et miserim te in laetitia, et in canticis' significat statum in quo tunc ex proprio credidisset quod fuisset quoad vera: `in tympano, et in cithara' significat quoad bonum spirituale: `et non permisisti mihi osculari filios meos, et filias meas' significat disjunctionem ex statu libero secundum fidem boni illius: `nunc stulte egisti faciendo' significat indignationem: `sit Deo manus mea ad faciendum cum vobis malum' significat indignationis statum si ei potentia: `et Deus patris vestri nocte praeterita dixit ad me' significat quod non permissum a Divino: `dicendo, Cave tibi a loquendo cum Jacobo a bono usque ad malum' significat inhibitionem communicationis: `et nunc eundo ivisti' significat quod ex proprio se separaverit: `quia desiderando desideravisti ad domum patris tui' significat desiderium conjunctionis cum bono Divino directe influente: `quare furatus es deos meos?' significat indignationem ob veri amissi statum.

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