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属天的奥秘 第4131节


  4131.“拉班对雅各说”表交流的状态,也就是说,“拉班”现所代表的良善与“雅各”现所代表的良善交流的状态。 这从“说”的含义清楚可知,“说”在此是指交流(如3060节)。由于一种结合已经产生,如刚才所描述的(412441274129节),并且经上紧接着说“拉班对雅各说”,故“说”表示交流。

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Potts(1905-1910) 4131

4131. And Laban said to Jacob. That this signifies a state of communication, namely, of the good now signified by "Laban" with the good now represented by Jacob, is evident from the signification of "saying," as here being communication (as n. 3060). Inasmuch as something of conjunction had been effected (concerning which see just above, n. 4124, 4127, 4129); and as the words "Laban said to Jacob" immediately follow, communication is signified by "saying."

Elliott(1983-1999) 4131

4131. 'Laban said to Jacob' means a state of communication, that is to say, of the good which is now represented by 'Laban' with the good now represented by 'Jacob'. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' at this point as communication - as in 3060. Since a kind of joining together has been effected, described just above in 4124, 4127, 4129, and the statement 'Laban said to Jacob' follows immediately after communication is therefore meant by 'saying'.

Latin(1748-1756) 4131

4131. `Dixit Laban Jacobo': quod significet communicationis statum, nempe illius boni quod per `Labanem,' cum illo bono quod per `Jacobum,' nunc repraesentatur, constat a significatione `dicere' quod hic sit communicatio, ut n. 3060; quia aliquid conjunctionis factum, de quo mox supra n. 4124, 4127, 4129, et nunc immediate sequitur `dixit Laban Jacobo,' ideo communicatio per `dicere' significatur.

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