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属天的奥秘 第4361节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4361

4361. And Leah also and her children drew near, and they bowed themselves. That this signifies the affection of the truth of faith as to exterior things, and their truths, and their submissive introduction, is evident from the representation of Leah, as being the affection of exterior truth (see n. 3793, 3819), and therefore the affection of the truth of faith as to exterior things; from the signification of "children" or "sons," as being truths (see just above); and from the signification of "bowing one's self," as being submission; that is, submissive introduction into the Divine good natural which is represented by Esau.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4361

4361. 'And Leah also came near, then her sons, and they bowed clown' means the affection for the truth of faith so far as exterior things and their truths are concerned, and their submissive introduction. This is clear from the representation of 'Leah' as the affection for exterior truth, dealt with in 3793, 3819, and therefore the affection for the truth of faith so far as exterior things were concerned; from the meaning of 'sons' as truths, dealt with immediately above; and from the meaning of 'bowing down' as submission, that is, a submissive introduction into Divine Natural Good, which 'Esau' represents.

Latin(1748-1756) 4361

4361. `Et appropinquavit etiam Leah et nati illius, et incurvaverunt se': quod significet affectionem veri fidei quoad exteriora et illorum vera, eorumque submissam introductionem, constat ex repraesentatione `Leae' quod sit affectio veri exterioris, de qua n. 3793, 3819, proinde affectio veri fidei quoad exteriora; ex significatione `natorum' seu filiorum quod sint vera, de qua mox supra; et ex significatione `incurvare se' quod sit submissio, hoc est, submissa introductio {1} in Divinum Bonum naturale, quod per `Esau' repraesentatur. @1 i , nempe$

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