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属天的奥秘 第4360节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4360

4360. And the handmaids drew near, they and their children, and they bowed themselves. That this signifies sensuous knowledges and their truths, and their submission, is evident from the signification of "handmaids," as being the affections of memory-knowledges and of the knowledges which are of the external man (see above n. 4344), consequently sensuous memory-knowledges (of which below); from the signification of "children" or "sons," as being truths (see n. 4357); and from the signification of "bowing one's self," as being submission. The sensuous memory-knowledges signified by the "handmaids" are the memory-knowledges of the external things of the world, and therefore are the most general of all knowledges (n. 4345), and are those which enter immediately through the external senses, and are perceived by the sense itself. In these are all little children; and moreover they serve as planes to the knowledges of spiritual things, for spiritual things are founded upon natural, and are represented in them. As truths are conjoined with good according to order, beginning with the more general (as shown above, n. 4345), therefore it is here mentioned that the handmaids and their children bowed themselves, that is, submitted, first.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4360

4360. 'And the servant-girls came near, they and their sons, and bowed down' means sensory knowledge and its truths, and their submission. This is clear from the meaning of 'the servant-girls' as affections for knowledge and for cognitions which belong to the external man, dealt with above in 4344, and therefore sensory knowledge, the nature of which is discussed below; from the meaning of 'sons' as truths, dealt with above in 4357; and from the meaning of 'bowing down' as submission. Sensory knowledge, meant by 'the servant-girls', is factual knowledge about external things which belong to the world, and is therefore the most general kind of all, 4345. It consists in the things which enter immediately through the external senses and which are perceived by that sensory awareness. The knowledge which everyone possesses in early childhood is sensory knowledge, and this serves as a basis not only for cognitions of interior natural things but also later on for cognitions of spiritual things. For spiritual things are founded on natural ones and are represented within them. It is because truths are joined to good in conformity with an ordering that begins with things that are quite general, as shown above in 4345, that the reference is made at this point to the servant-girls and their sons bowing down first, that is, they were submissive.

Latin(1748-1756) 4360

4360. `Et appropinquaverunt ancillae, illae et nati illarum, et incurvaverunt se': quod significet scientifica sensualia et illorum vera, et eorum submissionem, constat ex significatione `ancillarum' quod sint affectiones scientiarum et cognitionum quae externi hominis, de qua supra n. 4344, proinde scientifica sensualia, de quibus sequitur; ex significatione `natorum' seu filiorum quod sint vera, de qua supra n. 4357; et ex significatione `incurvare se' quod sit submissio. Scientifica sensualia quae significantur per `ancillas,' sunt scientifica rerum externarum quae mundi, et inde omnium {1} communissima, n. 4345, suntque illa quae per sensus externos immediate intrant et ipso sensu percipiuntur; in illis sunt omnes infantiae, ac inserviunt pro planis non modo cognitionibus rerum [naturalium interiorum sed etiam dein cognitionibus rerum] spiritualium; res enim spirituales fundantur super naturalibus, et in his repraesentantur. Quia vera conjunguntur bono secundum ordinem a communioribus, ut supra n. (x)4345 ostensum, ideo hic memoratur quod `ancillae et earum nati primum se incurvaverint,' hoc est, se submiserint. @1 quae$

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