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属天的奥秘 第4370节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4370

4370. Take I pray my blessing that is brought to thee. That this signifies the Divine things that were to be adjoined to Divine good natural, is evident from the signification here of the "blessing," as being the things that were mentioned in the foregoing chapter (Gen. 32:14, 15); by which were signified Divine goods and truths with their things of service for effecting initiation (see n. 4263, 4264), and that were to be adjoined to Divine good natural (n. 4364).

Elliott(1983-1999) 4370

4370. 'Take now my blessing which is brought to you' means the Divine goods and truths which were to become linked to Divine Natural Good. This is clear from the meaning of 'my blessing' here as the animals mentioned in verses 14, 15 of the previous chapter, which meant Divine goods and truths together with those that are subservient by means of which the introduction was to be effected, see 4263, 4264. The need for these goods and truths to become linked to Divine Natural Good has been explained above in 4364.

Latin(1748-1756) 4370

4370. `Accipe quaeso benedictionem quae adducta tibi': quod significet Divina quae adjungenda Divino Bono naturali, constat ex significatione `benedictionis hic quod sint illa quae in capite praecedente xxxii vers. (x)14, 15 memorata sunt, per quae quod Divina bona et vera cum illorum servitiis per quae initiatio fieret, significata sint, videatur n. 4263, 4264; quae quod adjungenda Divino Bono naturali, supra n. 4364 explicatum est.

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