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属天的奥秘 第4372节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4372

4372. And because I have all. That this signifies His spiritual riches, is evident from the signification of "his having all," as being here the Lord's spiritual riches; for what he had was flocks and herds, by which as before shown are signified goods and truths, and these are what are called spiritual riches. Spiritual riches are predicated of truth, and their uses of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4372

4372. 'And because I have everything' means his spiritual riches. This is clear from the meaning of 'everything he has' in this case as his spiritual riches. For this 'everything' was made up of 'flocks and herds', by which goods and truths are meant, as shown already; and those goods and truths are called spiritual riches. 'Spiritual riches' serves to describe truth, while 'the uses' to which such riches are put are descriptive of good.

Latin(1748-1756) 4372

4372. `Et quia est mihi omne': quod significet ejus divitias spirituales, constat ex significatione `omne quod ei', quod hic {1} sint ejus divitiae spirituales; erant enim `greges et armenta,' per quae significantur bona et vera, ut prius ostensum, quae sunt quae dicuntur divitiae spirituales; (m)divitiae spirituales praedicantur de vero, et {2} usus illarum de bono.(n) @1 after omne$ @2 at$

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