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属天的奥秘 第4470节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4470

4470. We will even take our daughter and go. That this signifies that there would be no conjunction, is evident from the signification of marriage, as being the conjunction of good and truth (see above, n. 4466). Hence "to take the daughter and go," is not to give her in marriage, thus that there would be no conjunction. The sons of Jacob here speak as Jacob their father; for they do not say, "we will take our sister," but "our daughter," the reason of which appears from the internal sense, namely, that it was the father's part to refuse or comply, according to the law, Exod. 22:15, 16. But as the posterity of Jacob and their religiosity are here treated of, it is the sons who represent this, and who therefore here answer in their father's stead. Jacob himself could not answer, because he here represents the Ancient Church (see n. 4439).

Elliott(1983-1999) 4470

4470. 'Then we will take our daughter and go' means that there would be no joining together. This is clear from the meaning of 'a marriage' as the joining together of good and truth, dealt with above in 4466. 'Taking their daughter and going' therefore means not giving her in marriage, and so means that there would be no joining together. At this point Jacob's sons speak as Jacob their father, for they do not say 'we will take our sister' but 'our daughter'. The reason for this is evident from the internal sense, namely that it was a matter for the father either to refuse or accept, in accordance with the law set out in Exod 22:16, 17. But because the subject here is those descended from Jacob and their semblance of religion, it is his sons, by whom that kind of religion is represented, who answer here in place of their father Jacob himself could not do so because here he represents the Ancient Church, 4439.

Latin(1748-1756) 4470

4470. `Et sumemus filiam nostram et ibimus': quod significet quod nulla conjunctio, constat ex significatione `conjugii' quod sit conjunctio (o)boni et veri, de qua supra n. 4466, inde `sumere filiam et ire,' est non dare illam {1} in conjugium, ita quod nulla conjunctio. (m)Hic loquuntur filii Jacobi, sicut Jacob pater eorum, nam non dicunt sumemus `sororem' nostram sed `filiam' nostram; causa patet ea sensu interno, nempe quod patris esset renuere aut affirmare, secundum legem de qua Exod. xxii 15, 16 [A.V. 16, 17]; sed quia hic de posteritate ex Jacobo et ejus {2} religioso agitur, sunt filii ejus per quos id repraesentatur, qui loco patris hic respondent; ipse Jacob non potuit quia per illum Antiqua Ecclesia (o)hic repraesentatur, n. 4439.(n) @1 idem est ac non dare filiam$ @2 eorum$

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