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属天的奥秘 第4476节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4476

4476. And he was honored above all the house of his father. That this signifies what is primary of the truths of the Church among the is evident from the signification of "honored above all," as being what is primary. He that is "honored above all" is nearly the same as a "prince," which term denotes what is primary (see n. 1482, 2089). But he is said to be "honored above all the house of his father," and not a "prince," because Hamor and Shechem were of the remains of the Most Ancient Church (n. 4447, 4454); and in that church he was said to be "honored," who in the Ancient Church was called a "prince." That what is primary of the truths of the Church among the Ancients is signified, is because this is said of Shechem, by whom is represented the truth of the Church among the Ancients, as may be seen above (n. 4454).

Elliott(1983-1999) 4476

4476. 'And he was honoured above all those of his father's house' means the foremost of the truths of the Church among the Ancients. This is clear from the meaning of 'honoured above all' as that which is foremost. 'One who is honoured above all' is almost the same in meaning as a prince, who means that which is first and foremost, see 1482, 2089. But the expression 'honoured above all those of his father's house' is used and not 'prince' because Hamor and Shechem were part of the remnants of the Most Ancient Church, 4447, 4454, and one who in the Ancient Church was called a prince was in the Most Ancient called 'honoured'. The reason why the foremost of the truths of the Church among the Ancients is meant is that this description is used of Shechem, who represents the truth of the Church among the Ancients, see 4454

Latin(1748-1756) 4476

4476. `Et ille honoratus prae omnibus domus patris sui': quod significet primarium ex veris Ecclesiae apud antiquos, constat ex significatione `honorati prae omnibus' quod sit primarium;

honoratus prae omnibus paene simile est ac princeps, qui quod sit primarium, videatur n. 1482, 2089; sed `honoratus prae omnibus domus patris sui' dicitur, non princeps, quia Hamor et Shechemus erant ex reliquiis Antiquissimae Ecclesiae, n. 4447, 4454, et in illa Ecclesia `honoratus' dicebatur qui in Antiqua Ecclesia `princeps': quod primarium ex veris Ecclesiae apud antiquos significetur, est quia de Shechemo hoc dicitur, per quem quod repraesentetur verum Ecclesiae apud antiquos, videatur n. 4454

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