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属天的奥秘 第4475节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4475

4475. Because he was well pleased in Jacob's daughter. That this signifies in relation to the religiosity of that church, is evident from the representation of Dinah, who here is "Jacob's daughter," as being the affection of the truth of the Ancient Church, for this church is represented by Jacob (n. 4439). There was a longing to be conjoined with the affection of the truth of this church (or what is the same, with this church), but as among the descendants of Jacob this church (here represented by his sons who spoke instead of their father, n. 4470) had become merely external, and Hamor and Shechem consented to accept these externals, therefore by the "daughter of Jacob" is now signified the religiosity of this church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4475

4475. 'Because he delighted in Jacob's daughter' means the semblance of religion in that Church. This is clear from the representation of Dinah, to whom 'Jacob's daughter' refers here, as an affection for the truth which the Ancient Church possessed, for this Church is represented by 'Jacob', 4439. With the affection for the truth possessed by this Church, or what amounts to the same, with this Church, there existed a strong desire to be joined. But because the Church among Jacob's descendants, which is represented here by 'his sons', who spoke in place of their father, 4470, became wholly external, and Hamor and Shechem agreed to accept the external usages, therefore 'Jacob's daughter' now means the semblance of religion in that Church.

Latin(1748-1756) 4475

4475. `Quia beneplacuit in filia Jacobi': quod significet ad religiosum illius Ecclesiae, constat a repraesentatione `Dinae', quae hic est filia Jacobi, quod sit affectio veri Ecclesiae Antiquae {1}, haec enim repraesentatur per `Jacobum,' n. 4439; cum affectione veri hujus Ecclesiae, seu quod idem, cum hac Ecclesia, erat desiderium conjunctionis; sed quia Ecclesia illa apud posteros Jacobi quae hic repraesentatur per `filios ejus,' qui loco patris locuti sunt, n. 4470,' facta est mere externa, et ad haec acceptanda consenserunt Hamor et Shechemus, ideo per `filiam Jacobi' nunc significatur religiosum illius Ecclesiae {2}. @1 quae in Ecclesia Antiqua$ @2 In A there follows a deletion containing a definition of religiosum. It runs religiosum Ecclesiae vocatur illud ejus quod externum est, et magis cum in externo ponitur essentiale ejus: sed quomodo haec se habent ex sequentibus patebit$

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