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属天的奥秘 第4757节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4757

4757. And they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit. That this signifies aid from them that it might not be among falsities, is evident from the signification of "drawing and lifting up," as being to set free and thus to lend aid (of which hereafter); and from the signification of a "pit," as being falsities (n. 4728), thus that it might not be among falsities. That drawing and lifting up here denotes lending aid, is because truth is what aids good; for power is ascribed to truth, because good exercises power by means of truth (n. 3091, 3563); and moreover it is truth by which falsity is known, thus by which anyone is aided so that he be not among falsities. Hence it is that the Midianites were those who drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and the Ishmaelites were those who bought him.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4757

4757. 'And they drew Joseph out and caused him to come up out of the pit' means the help provided by these so that [Divine Truth] is no longer among falsities. This is clear from the meaning of 'drawing out and causing to come up' as delivering and therefore as providing help, dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'the pit' as falsities, dealt with in 4728, and so as its being no longer among falsities. The reason 'drawing out and causing to come up' here means providing help is that truth is what brings help to good. For truth has power attributed to it because good exercises its power by means of truth, 3091, 3563. Furthermore truth is the means by which falsity is recognized, and so by which help is provided so that it is no longer among falsities. This is the reason why it was the Midianites who drew Joseph out and caused him to come up out of the pit, but why it was the Ishmaelites who bought him.

Latin(1748-1756) 4757

4757. `Et extraxerunt et ascendere fecerunt Josephum e fovea':

quod significet auxilium ab illis ut non inter falsa, constat a significatione `extrahere et ascendere facere' quod sit liberare, proinde auxilium ferre, de qua sequitur; et ex significatione `foveae' quod sint falsa, de qua n. 4728, ita ne sit {1} inter falsa. Quod `extrahere et ascendere facere' hic sit auxilium ferre, est quia verum est quod fert auxilium bono; vero enim adscribitur potentia, quia bonum potentiam exercet per verum, n. 3091, 3563;

(c)et praeterea verum est per quod cognoscitur falsum, ita per quod auxilium fertur ne sit inter falsa; inde est quod Midianitae fuerint qui extraxerunt et ascendere fecerunt Josephum e fovea, et (o)quod Jishmaelitae qui emerunt. @1 sint AI$

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